cTc's Head Office in Central Bristol

cTc's head office in Bristol is located in the central Business Quarter of Orchard Street.  To the rear of the Bristol Hippodrome Theatre and within sight of Bristol City Council's offices at College Green, this is an ideal location, central and convenient for the hustle and bustle of the City Centre, accessible by all modes of transport and yet tucked away just enough to provide a perfect, quiet working environment.  Based in a Grade 2 listed Georgian building  the offices reflect cTc's unique bespoke approach to our Clients and business.  We do not do things by numbers and neither do we necessarily follow the rule book.  Instead we do what is needed, with each project being reviewed and planned in a bespoke manner.

Every project is unique and every Client has their own expectations which we strive to exceed. A formulaic approach rarely provides the best, most efficient or proactive route to meeting the client's expectations, hence cTc will always adopt a bespoke approach to our work.  We will address every situation and each question arising with a fresh, quizzical and analytical approach in order to identify the unique characteristics, issues and solutions.  This way you will always receive a bespoke service in which the specifics of your situation and requirements are addressed in detail.

Should you find yourself in central Bristol, please give us a call and pop in for a coffee.  We would be delighted to welcome you, to catch up and generally put the World to Rights!

News and History

cTc's latest Newsletter can be downloaded below, or for a more complete illustration of key events in growing our businesses, you can see our timeline going back to the formation of cTc.  This listing is reviewed and updated on a regular basis in order to keep you fully informed of our latest news.  Contact cTc, using the details found on our Contact Us page in order to see your development proposals featured in our growing list of project successes.


cTc is proud to have assisted Paris 2024 in the staging of this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic Games.  Our roles comprised both transporting people between key venues around the City and liaising with the International Press.  This was a unique and exciting opportunity to play a part in delivering what is undoubtedly the World's greatest muti-sports event and cTc is delighted to have been involved.



  • July 2024; cTc is commissioned by a regular housebuilder client, to provide a highways report for inclusion on a Pre-Application Inquiry regarding a site in Hanham, east of Bristol;


  • July 2024; cTc is commissioned to provide a Travel Plan Statement in support of an Application for extension of an existing residential development in Walsall;


  • July 2024; cTc is commissioned to respond to enforcement action against a former client further to a misunderstanding of the requirements of a Condition requiring works in support of a consented residential development in North Devon;


  • July 2024; a long standing client has submitted a Local Plan promotion of a site on the edge of a northern Gloucestershire village, with a view to providing a high quality residential development.  Highway and transport representation was provided by cTc, having previously and successfully supported promotion of two adjacent sites, both now built out by the same developer;


  • July 2024; cTc are delighted to be assisting the organisers of Paris 2024 in matters of both transporting personnel and press liaisons in support of both the Olympic and Paralympic Games;


After a prolongued period of discussion and negotiation, cTc is delighted to conclude agreement with Highways England in regard to our Designer’s Response to a Stage 3 Road Safety Audit of works at a traffic signal controlled intersection in Lichfield.  The works comprised adding a fourth arm to an existing signal controlled tee-junction at the end of slip roads to and from the A38(T), in order to provide access to our client’s residential development.   cTc was commissioned to draft the Audit Brief (to GG119), agree its contents with Highways England, manage and respond to the Audit.



  • June 2024; cTc is delighted for our client, a local land-owner, on achieving permission for a Section 73 amendment of a Condition controlling vehicular access to a proposed use of a paddock south of Cheltenham as a commercial dog walking venue.  The initial Highways response had been to object on the basis of perceived insufficient available visibility, however, cTc commissioned a traffic speed survey and related the observations to theoretical Stopping Sight Distances to confirm that a safe solution was available;


  • June 2024; cTc provided some preliminary observations regarding a Highways objection to a small-scale residential Application in Hereford.  The observations were conveyed to the LPA and Planning Permission was achieved without the need for further input;


  • June 2024; cTc is commissioned to provide a Transport Statement to support an application for Permission in Principle for conversion of former barns and storage buildings to residential use, in a garden in rural North Somerset;


  • May 2024; a local landowner confirms cTc's commission to liaise with local Highways Officers in order to address Planning Enforcement action in regard to a perceived non-compliance with a Highways-related Condition attached to a residential Planning Consent in Torridge District of Devon;


  • May 2024; in addition to the Transport Statement, cTc is commissiond to provide traffic forecasts as required for input to an Air Quality Assessment in support of residential proposals in Wednesbury;


  • May 2024; Further to cTc's previous representations of several years ago, into a land dispute concerning legal issues of Rights of Access for two adjacent commercial sites in East Ridings of Yorkshire, cTc is commissioned once again to provide an assessment of objection to a Planning Application for further commercial development of the same disputed site;


  • May 2024; A frequent client of cTc confirms appointment to produce a Transport Statement for a residential redevelopment of an existing commercial site in Westbury, West Midlands;


  • April 2024; cTc are commissioned to undertake detailed design and Application for a Section 184 (Highways Act (1980)) Agreement for a new agricultural access near a Cotswold village.  This commission is further to the client's receipt of Planning Permission on the basis of cTc's access design and supporting report;


  • April 2024; following considerable negotiation Highways England confirm sign-off of a Stage 3 Road Safety Audit of a traffic signal controlled junction in Lichfield.  The junction provides access to a residential development, from the primary road network immediately adjacent to the slip roads accessing the A38(T) and in the immediate vicinity of the HS2 rail works.  cTc had provided both the RSA Brief (to GG119) and the Designer's Response to the Audit;


  • April 2024; a local landowner confirms cTc's commission to address access and off-site transport and traffic matters associated with a proposal to install commercial storage units on excess land within a sewage processing site in a Devon town;


  • March 2024; cTc is engaged to produce a Stage 1 Road Safety Audit Brief for a proposed residential access in Hounslow;


  • March 2024; cTc are engaged to provide pre-feasibility advice in regard to a possible residential development site in a Peak District town.  The client expressed some concerns in regard to highways access and cTc's advice was sought concerning whether the issues are likely to be addressed to the satisfaction of the LPA;


  • March 2024; cTc are commissioned to address highway comments in regard to a Planning Application for residential development in a village in North Wiltshire.  This comprises a site on which cTc has advised for several years, including support for inclusion in the Parish Neighbourhood Plan;


  • March 2024; a frequent client commissions cTc to provide representation in regard to the efficacy of traffic calming features provided in support of a residential development in a north Gloucestershire village.  The calming had originally been designed by cTc and had been a Condition of Planning Permission for the adjacent development;


  • February 2024; a local householder commissions cTc to advice and provide representation in regard to a proposal for a small residential development in a large garden at a substantial rural property near Wraxall;


  • February 2024; cTc is commissioned by a local land-owner to provide advice and representation in support of a revised access to an approved dog-walking field south of Cheltenham;


  • February 2024; a local land-owner and frequent client of cTc commissions an access study in regard to a small residential development accessed from the A38, to the south of Bristol airport;


  • February 2024; cTc is commissioned to procide traffic flow forecasts for inclusion in an Air Quality Assessment for a residential proposal near Cribbs Causeway in Bristol, on which the Transport Statement had already been compiled and submitted, also by cTc;


  • January 2024; a local land owner commissions cTc to provide access advice and a Transport Assessment in support of a proposed employment development on the site of a former commercial dog kennels, south of Cheltenham;


  • January 2024; Carl makes one of his rare appearances representing a Local Planning and Highway Authority in an Appeal Hearing, defending refusal of Planning Permission for an employment development on an allocated site in Devizes;


  • January 2024; cTc is commissioned by a local landowner to produce an access appraisal and Transport Statement supporting a small residential proposal south of Cribbs Causeway, in Bristol;


  • January 2024; cTc wishes all of our clients and fellow professionals a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024!


Congratulations to our client Wild Ken Hill on receipt of Planning Permission for their proposed wildlife experience day visitor centre, camping, and glamping on land near Kings Lynn.  cTc has represented Wild Ken Hill in regard to these proposals over the last two years, which has included designing and fine-tuning the on-site circulation and car parking layouts, access arrangements and off-site improvements to encourage use of sustainable modes to access the site.  These have all been worked up by cTc in close liaisons with the local Highway Authority.  The site is famous for its inclusion on BBC wildlife programme Spring Watch and cTc is proud to assist the further promotion of this ground breaking venue. cTc is delighted to continue its involvement with this site in managing the S278 process concerning access and off-site works.


  • December 2023; cTc wishes all of our clients, fellow development proffesionals and local authority contacts a pleasant and relaxing Christmas.  Looking forward to an exiting and busy 2024;


  • December 2023; cTc undertakes travel surveys and analyses of mode choice in regard to a Residential Travel Plan, also produced by cTc concerning a development in Devizes;


  • December 2023; further to previous representations in regard to similar uses on adjacent sites, cTc is commissioned to assess impact of a proposed childrens' outdoor activity development on land near Peterborough;


  • November 2023; a midlands based residential developer commissions cTc to produce a Transport Statement in support of an extension to an existing residential development in Walsall;


  • November 2023; cTc is commissioned to suppport an Application for provision of hotel facilities within the grounds of an existing golf club in the Forest of Dean;


  • November 2023; cTc provides a highway and transportation note to a frequent client, in support of a promotion of a rural site in South Gloucestershire for carbon neutral housing;


  • October 2023; cTc is commissioned to provide technical input to a proposal for a single dwelling in the Forest of Dean;


  • October 2023; further to successfully overturning at Appeal several years ago a refusal on Highways Grounds, cTc is commissioned to produce a comprehensive Travel Plan for a residential development in Frome;


  • October 2023; cTc is commissioned to provide highways and design input into a proposal to replace an existing residential garage with a single bedroom apartment over parking in eastern Bristol;


  • September 2023; Keon Homes confirm cTc's commission to support a Planning Application to convert a former public house into supported living accommodation.  The commission comprises provision of a Transport Statement, design input and managing the Road Safety Audit as required;


  • September 2023; local planning lawyers appoint cTc to provide expert input to a case in which traffic movements associated with a proposed fast food outlet is considered to have potential to seriously impact on the safety and convenience of use of adjacent buildings;


  • September 2023; cTc is commissioned to provide highways and traffic input to a retrospective Planning Application in response to enforcement action regarding convertion of a former agricultural building for commercial use on a farmstead in North Somerset;


  • August 2023; cTc is commissioned by a long-standing client to provide pre-Application and feasibility advice on a proposal to convert a former commercial building into sheltered accommodation in Paignton, Devon;


  • August 2023; A long standing client of cTc's commissioned a rebuttal of points in a negative Highways Consultation concerning a small residential development in Brockworth, Gloucestershire;


  • July 2023; Keon Homes appoint cTc to manage the Stage 3 Road Safety Audit in regard to its residential development in north-east Lichfield.  The access junction connects local authority roads with the Trunk Road at the A38(T), hence liaisons with both Staffordshire County Council and Highways England are required;


  • July 2023; cTc is commissioned by Gotham Hotels to assist in delivering a consented redevelopment of the Bristol Guildhall site in Bristol's historic City Centre.  The commission comprises assistance with access for construction traffic and for customer traffic once open;


  • July 2023; cTc is commissioned to support a retrospective application for a static caravan park on land near Liskeard.  The Application was made in respone to enforcement action and in the face of a highways objection in regard to construction vehicle access in light of the narrowness of local roads;

In order to simplify our Group structure, Carl Tonks Limited, trading as carl TONKS consulting and cTc Europe has wholly acquired all shares in cTc Transport Planning Limited.  This will improve the efficiency of operating cTc Group and, as usual, any cost reductions resultant from this will be passed onto our clients.  As ever, cTc’s remit remains to offer our clients a quality product at a value fee level and this acquisition reflects those aspirations.


  • June 2023; the Planning Committee of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk determine to grant Planning Permission for development of a wildlife experience day centre, camping and glamping at a site near Kings Lynn.  cTc had represented the applicant, Wild Kenn Hill, for a preiod of some two years in which the scheme was worked up and the Application processed.  Despite local objection, cTc clearly demonstrated that further to some minor local highway improvements, the proposals could be safely accommodated with no implications for increased congestion on this sensitive highway corridor.  The site is famous for its inclusion in BBC wildlife programs including Spring Watch and Autumn Watch and we are delighted to have assisted in securing the future of this key environmental jewel;


  • June 2023; a local resident has commissioned cTc to provide an anlysis of requirements and a supportive access report in regard to a proposal to construct a new residential driveway on a housing estate in Bromley, Kent;


  • June 2023; cTc is commissioned to provide a report analysing issues associated with accessing a rural site in Cornwall for static caravans.  The use is established and subject to Planning Enforcement Action, hence a detailed retrospective analysis of matters concerning site access is required;


  • June 2023; cTc is commissioned to provide feasibility advice in regard to a proposed new agricultural access in the Cotswold AoNB.  The proposal is to permit farm traffic, including large vehicles, to move between the farm's storage barns and the nearby major road, whilst avoiding a narrow lane and difficult junction on the existing rural route;


  • June 2023; cTc prepares a Transport Statement in regard to a proposal for up to 32 homes on land adjacent to a recent residential development in north Thornbury;


  • May 2023; cTc provides representations in regard to an Appeal against the refusal by North Somerset Council for conversion of an agricultural barn to residential use;


  • May 2023; cTc is commissioned to design access to a proposed barn conversion to residential, in rural Dorset;


  • May 2023; cTc's input to a sizeable residential proposal in Cheltenham is expanded to include provision of traffic data for use in an Air Quality Assessment, required by the local Planning Authority;


  • April 2023; Highways England formally approve the Stage 2 Road Safety Audit Brief produced by cTc for a site in Lichfield, adjacent to both a sliproad connecting to teh A38(T) and the proposed HS2 high speed rail link;


  • April 2023; cTc is commissioned to represent a householder in an Appeal against refusal of permission for constructing an additional house in the garden of an existing residence in Backwell;


  • April 2023; the owner of a local business confirms cTc's instruction to advise on design and highway representation for a proposal to construct a tied residence in association with a rural car dealership;


  • April 2023; cTc is commissioned by a world-class equestrian to provide highways, transportation and access representation in support of an Application for extension of an equestrian facility in the Forest of Dean;


  • March 2023; Congratulations to our Client, a local resident, for the grant of Planning Permission for a residential extension, new garage construction and a new driveway for a substantial property in a rural area of Kent.  Supporting information was compiled by cTc, who negotiated removal of the Highways objection to this Application;


  • March 2023; a housebuilder commissions cTc to produce and negiotaite agreement to a Stage 3 Road Safety Audit Brief in regard to a newly constructed traffic signal controlled junction, to access a residential development adjacent to the A38 Trunk Road in Lichfield, Staffordshire.  The relevant Highway Authority is Highways England and the Audit is complicated by adjacent works to facilitate the HS2 rail project;


  • March 2023; cTc is commissioned by a local resident to provide design advice in regard to a proposed new residential driveway to serve a property in Bromley, Kent;


  • February 2023; an international hotel chain has comissioned cTc to represent their Application to West Berkshire Council for extension of a hotel near Newbury;


  • February 2023; cTc is commissioned to represent a housebuilder on matters of transportation and access concerninng a proposed development of up to 37 dwellings on an edge of town site in Thornbury, South Gloucestershire;


  • January 2023; cTc is commissioned to represent a local land owner in regard to access and transportation matters concerning his proposal to convert a North Somerset  agricultural barn into two residential properties;


  • January 2023; cTc is commissioned by a local resident to design and negotiate approval for a new residential driveway to serve an extension and new garage at a substantial property adjacent to a rural lane in Cranbrook, Kent;


  • January 2023; cTc would like to wish all of our Clients and fellow professionals a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year;


The Directors of cTc are delighted to announce the promotion of Ed Pope from Senior Engineer, to Principal Engineer.  Ed has worked with Carl for some 18 years in different consultancies, the last 7 of which have been with cTc.  Throughout that time he has proven to be a highly capable, reliable and hard working employee, whose input to our projects is highly praised by staff and Clients..

Ed's new role will see him take on increasing project management responsibilities and also a greater role in managing our Companies.

Well done Ed, this promotion is very well deserved and we look forward to your continued growth within cTc.



  • December 2022; on behalf of all at cTc, we would like to wish everyone a relaxing and happy Christmas and New Year.  Although all of the signs are positive in regard to COVID's retreat, the last few years have been tough for everyone.  The bounce back over the last 6 months or so has been dramatic and in cTc alone has seen us attending three Planning Appeals in the last 4 months.  The signs for the forthcoming New Year are excellent and we look forward to sharing well deserved success with all of our clients and fellow consultants.  Our intention for the immediate term is to close down in the evening of Friday 23rd December, following which our offices will remain closed until the New Year, in order to avail ourselves of much-needed and hard-earned rest and family time.  With that in mind, it just leaves a hearty wish for a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.  See you on the other side!


  • December 2022; the Public Local Inquiry sits in the Town Hall of Weston super Mare, in regard to the refusal by North Somerset Council to grant Planning Permission for a proposed Park and Ride to serve Bristol International Airport.  Carl represented the Appellant on matters of highways, traffic and travel sustainability.  Although a Highways Proof of Evidence was submitted by the LPA, no witness was available to the Inquiry to permit its testing under Cross-Examination.  The Highways Witness of Bristol International Airport, a key Rule 6 Party was available to the Inquiry.  Unusually, the highways and transportation case on behalf of the LPA was led by the International Airport's legal team, rather than by the LPA itself, hence Carl was cross-examined first and at length by Bristol Airport's lawyer, before a further, short cross-examination by the barrister appointed by the LPA.  The Inquiry is now concluded and we await the Inspector's Report with interest;


  • December 2022; cTc is commissioned to revisit a project previously promoted a number of years ago, which the land-owner is now seeking to resurect.  Proposals comprise a holiday park on the edge of a seaside settlement in North Somerset;


  • December 2022; cTc is commissioned to provide advice on access and redesigned layout for the existing servicing and car park arrangements at a retail unit in West Berkshire;


  • November 2022; cTc is commissioned to provide advice on access and layout for an on-site residential driveway for a proposed single new dwelling in Backwell;


  • November 2022; cTc's commission to represent a major landowner in Norfolkk in regard to matters of transportation and highways is extended to produce traffic forecasts for the adjacent highway network in a form required for Air Quality Assessment;


  • November 2022; a regular housebuilder client appoints cTc to provide a Transport Statement in support of proposals to extend a consented residential development in a Wiltshire village;


  • November 2022; evidence is exchanged in the Public Local Inquiry into the Appeal by a local landowner into the refusal of North Somerset Council to permit construction of  Park and Ride to serve Bristol International Airport.  The Airport were a prominent objector the proposals, have been granted Rule 6 status and unsually, on matters of highways, access and transportation matters of accessibility, the case against the Appellant is being led by the Airport.  Carl is providing evidence on matters of highways, transport and sustainable access and is looking forward to the forthcoming Inquiry, in which he will face the Airport's lawyers, taking priority over the LPA/LHA's legal team;


  • November 2022; cTc is commissioned to advise on matters of access in regard to a proposed family day-attraction in a rural location near Peterborough.  This is a site on which cTc has acted previously and the current commission comprises a modification of the previously promoted location of the developmenyt within an historic country estate.  The newly proposed location justifies reconsidering the access arrangements;


  • November 2022; further to a Transport Assessment produced in support of a successful planning application for a family visitor attraction in Essex, cTc is commissioned to review our analyses in regard to an application for a small number of proposals for seasonal special events, during which the venue's opening hours are to be extended.  cTc is to analyse the potential implications in regard to the operation of the site access and other highway infrastructure;


  • November 2022; cTc visited north Norfolk for several days in order to survey available delivery routes for a proposed wind turbine installation in a rural location in the north-east of the county.  Components will be delivered by road from locations including Southampton and Widnes and an optimum route was planned to connect the National Trunk network at the A1(M) to site.  This kind of work used to be a speciality of cTc and we have previously undertaken similar route analyses for sites throughout the UK, before the National funding model changed and this kind of work dropped off.  It is hoped that recent changes in Government Policy may lead to an uplift in such projects, at which cTc has a prove track record of excellence;


  • October 2022; cTc provides advice and assistance to an architect with whom we work often, in this instance regarding parking provision for a small residential development proposal in Plymouth;


  • October 2022; cTc commissions substantial survey work throughout south-west Bristol in order to provide data for input to Air Quality calculations in support of an Application for extension of business hours for a waste processing plant in Ashton Vale;


  • October 2022; cTc is commissioned by West Berkshire Council to advise in regard to the road safety and operational adequacy of a proposed residential access to land adjacent to Newbury Racecourse;


  • October 2022; Carl appeared on behalf of a local company specialising in redeveloping and repurposing historical listed buildings, in a Planning Appeal against the refusal by  Yorkshire Dales National Parks Authority of Planning Permission to convert a disused and deteriorating listed stately home to provide an aparthotel, along with residential and events uses within the outbuildings and grounds.  The Appeal was originally to be by Written Representations, but the strength of local opinion led to it being changed to an Informal Hearing at the National Parks offices at Bainbridge;


  • October 2022; cTc provides advice on access constraints in regard to a proposed new dwelling in Perranporth, Cornwall;


  • September 2022; Many congratulations to our client, Wiltshire Council on receipt of the Inspector's Report regarding the Planning Appeal against refusal of permission for 91 dwellings on a site allocated for residential development and accessed via an extension of a recently constructed residential street in an adjacent development.  It was clear from commencement that defending this refusal was a big ask, in light of the site's allocation and in view of the inability of the LPA to demonstrate a five year housing land supply.  However and the above notwithstanding, the Inspector upheld the LPA's decision to refuse permission and dismissed the Appeal on all grounds.  Furthermore, receipt of the Decision Notice within only 5 weeks is further evidence of the clarity of presentation of the important issues.  It is highly unusual for cTc to represnt an LPA in such procedings, our usual client base comprising predominantly property developers, but it was very pleasing indeed to be in receipt of such a clear and decisive determination in our favour;


  • September 2022; cTc provided access advice and a supporting technical letter for proposals to convert a large detached property to two homes on a site adjacent to the A38 in North Somerset;


  • September 2022; cTc provided a Transport Statement in support of a Planning Application for provision of a farming-based facility to provide employment and training for young adults with special needs.  Good Hope Farm is to provide an opportunity for the Special Farmers to develop their own work and inter-personal skills, whilst contributing positively to society.  cTc's input included designing the site access and car parking arrangements, along with producing a report for planning which confirmed no operational or safety impact on the adjacent rural roads;


  • September 2022; cTc produced a Transport Statement in support of a proposed extension of a consented residential development in Leckhampton;


  • September 2022; A frequent, prominent housebuilder client confirms cTc's commission to produce a Transport Statement in support of a proposed 16 dwelling development in a hamlet location between Gloucester and Cheltenham;


  • September 2022; A Planning Application is submitted  by a local landowner seeking permission for a day-visitor centre focussing on ecological, wildlife and countryside matters on a site in the north of Norfolk.  cTc hd assisted with the design of the site access arrangements and general site circulation and layout.  In regard to the Planning Application, the Transport Assessment was produced by cTc;


  • August 2022; cTc is commissioned to undertake a parking study in regard to an application to convert a large town-house into an HMO in central Gloucester;


  • August 2022; cTc is commissioned by local residents to provide technical assistance in regard to an objection to a Planning Application for a swection of local ring-road in Princes Risborough.  The issue concerns traffic impact during the period post partial completion, but preceding opening of the entire ring-road;


  • August 2022; cTc is commissioned by a regular housebuilder client to produce a Transport Statement in regard to a former nurseries site in Gloucester;


  • August 2022; a frequent housebuilder client has commissioned cTc to update a Transport Assessment previously produced for a site west of Cheltenham;


  • August 2022; cTc provides advice in regard to access requirements to a proposed single dwelling development in Polbathic, Cornwall;


  • August 2022; a local landowner submits a Planning Application for a self-build residential development on land at Winsford, south of Bristol.  The Transport Statement in support of this Application was produced by cTc;


  • August 2022; cTc produced a Construction Traffic Management Plan for a committed redevelopment of the Bristol Guildhall site in the City Centre;


  • August 2022; Carl appeared at the Public Local Inquiry into Wiltshire Council's refusal of Planning Permission for 91 dwellings on an allocated site on the periphery of Trowbridge.  This involved production of Proofs of Evidence including Rebuttals, input pursuant to a Statement of Common Ground and attendance to present and defend the Evidence submitted.  This was a substantial piece of work which took up much of cTc's time during the month of August.  Unusually on this occasion, Carl represented the Local Highway Authority in defense of the highways reasons for refusal of Planning Permission;


  • July 2022; cTc provide updates to a Travel Plan previously compiled to discharge a pre-occupation Condition for a leisure development in Essex.  Consent had been granted further to submission of a comprehensive Transport Assessment compiled by cTc, followed by substantial negotiation which successfully avoided significant infrastructure works which the LHA had considered may be necessary to support the proposals.  cTc's analyses confirmed that the development was expected to attract traffic predominantly outwith the highway peak period and hence the operation of sensitive locations of local highway would not be compromised by the proposed development;


  • July 2022; After a delay of a year following submission of the Planning Application, Gloucestershire County Council's response to an Application for 111 zero and low carbon houses on a former industrial site in Stroud, cTc is commissioned to respond to the highways comments arising, comprising predominantly matters of interna, layout and design, plus concerns in regard to impact of of COVID lockdown on data collection;


  • July 2022; cTc is commissioned to provide advice and advocacy in regard to a proposed commercial dog-walking field on a rural site near Witney in Oxfordshire;

cTc is delighted to be assisting Haynes Developments in the proposed development of land adjacent to and connected with the World famous Haynes Motor Museum in Somerset.  The site is currently occupied by a small employment use, comprising offices, covered and outdoor storage and is proposed for offices and high tech industry uses.  This project is particularly pleasing for Carl, who, as a life-long “petrol head” has enjoyed visiting the museum on numerous occasions.


  • June 2022cTc is commissioned to support a Planning Application for residential development of a site in Evesham, in Worcestershire;


  • June 2022cTc is commissioned by a regular housebuilder Client in order to provide access feasibility advice regarding a potential residential developmnet in Thornbury, South Goucestershire;


  • June 2022cTc is commissioned to address questions raised by highways officers in regard to two small residential proposals in West London;


  • June 2022;  in an unusual turn of events, cT is commissioned by Wiltshire Council to represent them in defending a refusal of Planning Permission  for development of 91 dwellings on an allocated site in Trowbridge.  Typically cTc tends to work for the promoters of development, so this commission will provide an interesting twist of perspective;


  • May 2022cTc is commissioned to represent the owner of an existimg commercial dog kennels in Norfolk in a proposal to convert the premises to a pet supplies warehouseand sitribution centre;


  • May 2022;  a frequent client has appointed cTc to produce a Residential Travel Plan for a committed development of 87 homes in a Wiltshire town.  Planning permission was achieved further to submission of a Transport Assessment compiled by cTc;


  • May 2022cTc is appointed to provide routeing advice in conjunction with a Construction Traffic Management Plan for a committed redevelopment of the high profile Bristol Guildhall site in the City Centre;


  • May 2022;  a regular housebuilder client has appointed cTc to produe a Transport Assessment in support of a proposed redevelopment of a former retail site in Cotswold village;


  • May 2022;  Carl is appointed as Expert Witness to represent a manufacturing company in Devon in regard to a High Court challenge alleging injurious impediment to access resultant from redevelopment proposals at a rural industrial site in Devon;


  • May 2022cTc is commissioned to advise on access and highway issues in regard to the feasibility of commercial development of an agricultural estate in Hampshire;


  • April 2022cTc is commissioned to investigate matters of highway and access feasibility in regard to proposals for development of an equestrian use on agricultural land in Berkshire;


  • April 2022;  congratulations to cTc's client, a local land owner, who, following cTc's engagement in response to considerable highways questions, is granted permission for a new and additional agricultural access to land at Tickenham, in North Somerset;


  • April 2022;  further to delays amounting to a year since submission due to, amongst other matters, the COVID pandemic, cTc's client Newland Homes finally receives a preliminary highways response in regard to an Application for 111 new dwellings on an industrial site in Stroud.  Having provided the original Transport Assessment, cTc is commissioned to respond positively to the additional requirements now sought by officers in order to finally move this Application forward;


  • April 2022;  a regular client confirms cTc's commission in regard to providing transpot and highways support for an Application to construct a further 14 dwellings accessed through a consented (and part constructed) development of 43 dwellings in a Wiltshire village;


  • April 2022;  congratulations to cTc's regular client, Newland Homes Limited, on receipt of Planning Permission at Appeal for development of 47 new homes on a greenfield in the Gloucestershire village of Twyning.  Although originally written up for refusal on grounds including Highways, cTc successfully negotiated away the Highways reason prior to Committee determination, hence the Appeal was required on Planning grounds only;


  • March 2022cTc is commissioned by a charitible organisation to adbise on access and produce a Transport Statement in support of a proposal for a rural development in West Berkshire.  The proposals comprise a facility to educate Special Farmers, with learning difficulties, in matters of agriculture and rural skills;


  • March 2022; An existing client of cTc's confirms the firm's commission on a further rural site near Witney in Oxfordshire.  cTc is to provide an access and Transport Statement in regard to a proposed commercial dog-walking field;


  • March 2022; A long standing housebuilder client confirms cTc's appointment to submit a formal highways Pre-App in regard to a proposed residential development of a former industrial site in a Gloucestershire village;


  • February 2022; cTc provides preliminary access design sketches for display at a public consultation in regard to a proposed


  • February 2022; cTc recommences work on a site in rural North Somerset, which is being promoted for residential development.  Having previously represented the land owner, on whose behalf an outline consent was secured, cTc is now employed by a local housebuilder in regard to the Reserved Matters Application;


  • February 2022; After protracted negotiations, design approval is received to a detailed S278 design of new priority access onto the A38 north of Gloucester.  cTc had been representing the landowner in "unsticking" the discussions, which had been impacted, amongst 0ther things by staff shortages due to the pandemic;


  • January 2022; a client for whom cTc had provided pre-feasibility advice on a site in Oxfordshire has commissioned a pre-Application submission on matters of access, accessibility and off-site impact;


  • January 2022; a local resident has appointed cTc to provide access advice and advocacy in regard to a proposal to construct a new house in a substantial garden of an existing dwelling in a Cornwall village;


  • January 2022; cTc is commissioned to advise on matters of access, accessibility and general transportation issues arising from a proposed residential self-build development in a North Somerset village;


  • January 2022; another long-standing client of cTc has commissioned advice and advocacy concerning a retrospective Application for change of use of an historic vicarage, formerly used as a care home, for use as an HMO for employees of a nearby business ;


  • January 2022; cTc is commissioned by a long standing client, to investigate service vehicle access to a proposed replacement sewage tank on an historic estate in south Devon;


  • January 2022; Wishing all of our clients, fellow engineers of both sides of the negotiating table and competitors too a relaxing and prosperous 2022.  Following a tough two years, let us all press ahead with the confidence that the worst is behind us and look to the future with positivity and excitement;


It was July of 2011 that Carl expressed his disillusionment with the corporate world of large multi-disciplinary consultancy and began trading as carl TONKS consulting.  Doing business initially as a sole trader, Carl promoted a bespoke, specialist, developer orientated transport planning, traffic engineering and highway consultancy service, without the distractions associated with a multi-discplinary outfit.  It soon became clear that this business "had legs" and Carl Tonks Limited was registered at Companies House, albeit still trading as carl TONKS consulting, or cTc.

Despite a global recession, BREXIT and a world-wide pandemic, cTc now has presence in Bristol, Newport and Paris, all built upon and maintaining Carl's driving focus on quality of product allied to unbeatable value for money.  We are proud of cTc's achievements thus far and the evident potential for the future.  Most of all, we are delighted by the large proportion of repeat clients on our books, who return time and again to avail themselves of top quality advice and advocacy, at unbeatable value fees.

It certainly hasn't always been easy, but challenges are there to be beaten.



  • December 2021; Happy Christmas to all of our clients, contemporaries, local authority offices and competitors.  2021 has been another difficult year and our thoughts once again go out to those impacted by this illness; directly, vacariously, or through consequent impacts.  Here's to a better 2022;


  • December 2021; cTc's workoad in the run up to Christmas is dominated by a comprehensive Transport Assessment for a co-ordinated, strategic proposed redevelopment of farmland east of Taunton.  The proposals encompass 6 development sites, plus an element of local public realm improvement and cumulatively comprise some 86 dwellings and a proposed Country Park.  The latter is to include a farmshop, cafe/restaurant, education facilities (comprising classrooms and lecture theatres), an open air performance area, an observatory and a mixture of formal and informal garden areas.  In addition to producing the comprehensive TA, cTc was heavily engaged in coordinating the drawing work from a range of consultants, to ensure that the Application presented a coordinated package of schemes for determination;


  • December 2021; in regard to a site on which cTc was unusually representing an objector to a local residential development, Craven District Council has refused Planning Permission for a residential development which had proposed to achieve access by intensifying use of an existing minor access onto a rural, inter-urban road.  The first and primary Reason for Refusal was highway safety, as espoused by cTc in our discussions with highways DC officers of North Yorkshire County Council;


  • December 2021; congratulations to cTc's client, a local developer who frequently works with cTc, on receipt of Planning Permission for a large, bespoke, architect designed home on a rural site in Wraxhall, North Somerset.  cTc worked closely with the commissioned architect, Ercle (whom we also know very well), to deliver a bespoke, safe and practical access and egress solution to this site on which levels and adjacent highway alignment presented road safety concerns for a standard residential access.  Consequently a bespoke solution was provided, which responded to the challenging levels and worked well with the architectural concept for this site;


  • November 2021; the Planning Application for demolition and replacement of a public house on a town centre site in North Somerset with housing is submitted with a supporting Transport Statement compiled by cTc;


  • November 2021; on behalf of a frequent client, cTc is commissioned to examine preliminary design issues for a new employment (B2/B8) access road across farmland in North Somerset;


  • November 2021; further to cTc's previous feasibility advice provided to the owner of a small development site in Backwell, North Somerset, the site owners are now engaged with a housebuilder and cTc is further appointed to advise on the practical aspects of the forthcoming Application;


  • November 2021; a frequent residential development client has commissioned cTc to support a further Application to add additional units to a consented scheme in a Wiltshire village;


  • November 2021; cTc is providing preliminary, pre-acquisition advice to a regular client in regard to several potential sites across Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire;


  • October 2021; cTc is commissioned to provide a Transport Statement in support of an Application to extend a children's nursery on a site in North Somerset;


  • October 2021; cTc's Transport Statement is submitted in support of a Planning Application for demolition of a former public house in North Somerset and replacement with a small residential development.  The site is in a highly sustainable town centre location and on which cTc previously assisted the land owner to acquire consent for conversion into a childrens' nursery;


  • October 2021; cTc is commissioned to provide analyses and a suppporting report for a proposed employment site in North Somerset;


  • October 2021; cTc submits a highways Pre-App report in rspect of a proposal to improive the land and bank stability in a former quarry in rural Devon;


  • October 2021; cTc is commissioned by a frequent client to provide feasibility advice and support for a proposal to extend a consented residential development scheme in a Wiltshire village;


  • October 2021; Carl attends a preliminary site meeting to discuss opportunities and constraints in regard to opportunities for low impact development of a site in rural Oxfordshire, to provide countryside access and activities to the public;


  • October 2021; further to previous advice provided to a concerned resident and a preliminary approach made to a prospective developer, cTc is commissioned to represent a resident in regard to a neighbouring small housing proposal in a North Yorkshire village;


  • October 2021; a frequent and long-standing client of cTc has commissioned preliminary feasibility advice in regard to access and accessibility for a  potential small-scale tourist development in rural Devon;


  • October 2021; cTc is commissioned to prepare a Travel Plan for submission required for Conditional dischargeassociated with a consented development of some 89 dwellings near Yate, in South Gloucestershire.  The Planning Permission had been achieved further to submission of a cTc Transport Assessment;


  • September 2021; Many thanks to Newland Homes, a regular client of ours, for their kind invitation to attend their annual clay pigeon shoot.  As usual, a great day's sport, conversation and food was enjoyed.  Great to attend;


  • September 2021; A local resident and land-owner commissions cTc to design and provide supporting documentation for a Planning Application for a new proposed access to a listed manor house adjacent to the A38 in Gloucestershire;


  • September 2021; cTc provides preliminary feasibility advice in regard to accessing several potential residential development sites for one of our regular house-builder clients in Gloucestershire;


  • September 2021; A Planning Application is submitted for development of former agricultural land to provide up to 55 park homes in North Somerset.  The Transport Statement in support of the proposal was compiled by cTc;


  • September 2021; further to achieving Planning Permission for conversion of a former public house to provide a pre-school nursery; a proposal for which cTc provided the Transport Statement, our client returnred to cTc with a commission to further switch the land-use of a town centre site in North Somerset to residential use.  cTc's commission is again to provide the Transport Statement, based largely on updating and where appropriate expanding the previous analyses undertaken at this site;


  • August 2021; further to submission of cTc's Transport Statement, Cotswold District Council grant Planning Permission for relocation of an existing Tesco petrol filling station within the frontage of it's existing store in Tetbury;


  • August 2021; cTc is commissioned to provide transport support and assistance in regard to a proposal for a small residential development of the site of a former nursing home in Plymouth;


  • August 2021; by way of assisting our long standing client, cTc provided technical input to the Planning case for off-site Park and Ride to be accounted for in the Public Inquiry pursuant to the Appeal against refusal by North Somerset Council to grant Planning Permission for the proiposed expansion of Bristol International Airport to cater for 12 Million Passengers per Annum;


  • August 2021; cTc is commissioned to produce further analyses and reporting in support of a proposed extension to a committed residential development site in North Somerset.  Support for the consented scheme was achieved further to submission of a Transport Statement by cTc and the new analyses required for the proposed extension will be reported via a technical note updating the previous submission;


  • August 2021; cTc submits an Application for a dropped kern to legalise access to a residential driveway on a property in central London;


  • August 2021; in a rare example of cTc being commissioned as arbiter in a development scenario, a resident of a North Yorkshire village has commissioned cTc to review a nearby residential Planning Application in regard to potential traffic impact on his home.  The commission is in the first instance to review documentation, advise and engage with the Applicant in regard to addressing any likely impact arising;


  • July 2021; cTc is commissioned in combination with Quadconsult, DAGA and Sutherland PLS to process a Section 278 Agreement for access works associated with a consented conversion of a former car hire venue, into a veterinary surgery, adjacent to a London Red Route;


  • July 2021; Further to a term commission advising on opportunities for improving and general traffic and transport issues arising in regard to an historic estate in Devon, carl TONKS consulting is commissioned in regard to agricultural vehicle access to a proposed new barn and associated workshop;


  • July 2021; Further to our previous feasibility advice, carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to investigate details of the access requirements and local traffic impact of proposals for various farm diversification schemes at a major landholding in Norfolk;


  • July 2021; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide design advice and planning advocacy in regard to highways matter pertaining to proposed employment use on a rural, agricultural site in Cotswold District;


In response to the UK's departure from the European Union and in order to ensure that future trading doors remain open, cTc is registered in France as an overseas employer.

Currently providing resource support for cTc's UK offices in both Bristol and Newport, the registration in France maintains cTc's options in Europe as markets settle post-BREXIT.  Historically, cTc has undertaken work in Eastern Europe in support of colleagues at other, complimentary consultancies and options are maintained for continuing with similar project work through cTc Europe.

cTc remains keen to support your projects, where ever your sites or opportunities may be.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch; we remain keen and able to assist.



  • June 2021; Congratulations to cTc's client, a local publican in Saltash, Cornwall on achieving Planning Permission for development of 5 houses on under-utilised land adjacent to the public house car park.  cTc had been commissioned to address refuse vehicle accessibility, resulting in amendments to the site layout to ensure the relevant vehicles can enter and exit in a forward gear;


  • June 2021; cTc is engaged to provide evidence in support of a Planning Appeal against refusal of Planning Permission for change of use of an historic estate in North Yorkshire;


  • June 2021; Congratulations to cTc's client, a local property developer, on achieving Planning Permission for a small-scale residential development on an existing housing estate in Honiton.  Key issues arising included on-site parking and specifically, whether the  proposed driveway was accessible without threat of damage to existing highway infrastructure.  carl TONKS consulting engaged with the highways officer and proposed minor tweaks to the design, which successfully addressed officers' earlier concerns;


  • May 2021; Congratulations to cTc's client on achieving allocation in the Neighbourhood Plan of land adjacent to a Wiltshire village. The allocation is achieved despite promotion of a competing site within the village and further to cTc's demonstration of accessibility of our client's site;


  • May 2021; congratulations to cTc's client, Wild Carrot, on achieving Planning permission for alterations to their car park, including construction of a new highways access and for provision of 10 glamping units on land at Chavenage Estate in Cotswold District.  The proposals were supported by a Transport Statement undertaken by carl TONKS consulting and further liaisons to address questions arising from Gloucestershire County Council;


  • May 2021; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to address highway and access issues pertaining to a proposed extension of a rural employment site in North Somerset;


  • May 2021; Further to a successful resolution of highways issues raised on an adjacentsite, cT is commissioned to address further questions in regard to a small residential proposal in Ashby de la Zouch;


  • May 2021; cTc is commissioned to address local Highway Authority queries raised in regard to a small residential development proposed on under-utilised land in Cornwall;


  • May 2021; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on the transport and highway feasibility of developing a visitor attraction on under-utilised farmland in Norfolk;


  • April 2021; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to manage an application for a dropped kerb access to a private residential driveway in central London.  cTc's input to the project will include completing and submitting the Planning Application, commisisoning and monitoring the Local Highway Authority's (LHA's) detailed design of the access, commissioning and managing the Road Safety Audit process;


  • April 2021; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on access and off-site transportation issues pertaining to proposals to provide of the order of 50 - 60 houses on rural land in Somerset;


  • April 2021; Congratulations to our client on achieving Planning Permission for expansion of a business park in Somerset county, with access via the existing simple priority T junction.  The original Planning Application was supported on highway grounds by another consultant and Somerset County Council had concluded that a ghost island right turn lane would be required in order to ensure safe and acceptable access could be provided.  cTc provided a further highways report, which included a detailed assessment of matters of highway safety and clearly concluded no requirement for any further improvements.  On the basis of the additional evidence provided by cTc, the requirement for substantial and costly reconstruction of the existing site access junction has been dropped, confirming the importance of cTc's approach to clearly identify the issue of primary concern and to address it concisely and with clarity;


  • March 2021; cTc is commissioned to address Local Highway Authority concerns in regard to a proposed small residential development in Honiton, Devon;


  • March 2021; cTc is commissioned to advise on provision of access to rural proposals for new single dwellings in North Somerset and Bath and North-East Somerset;


  • February 2021; working together with Sutherland  PLS, cTc submitted further responses to the Inspectors' questions, at Deadline 5 of the MetroWest DCO Infrastructure Hearing.  The team is representing occupiers of an important employment site, whose access arrangements will be affected by increased closures of a level crossing, with potentially serious impact on the estate's accessibility;


  • February 2021; a local landowner commissions cTc in order to provide advice and representation in support of a proposal for a new glamping site in the Cotswolds;


  • February 2021;  cTc registers as a Third Country Employer in France in order to protect the company's options further to the UK's recent departure from the EU;


  • January 2021;  a local land owner commissions cTc to advise on access opportunities to a small residential development opportunity in North Somerset;


  • January 2021;  a regular client of cTc has instructed us to support Planning Applications for residential development proposals in both Cheltenham and Stroud;


  • January 2021;  cTc is commissioned to provide access advice for a proposed expansion of a business park in Somerset.  Access is taken from the A38 and negotiation with Somerset CC is required to agree a cost effective resolution to serve the proposed expansion;


  • January 2021;  cTc wishes everyone a happy and healthy 2021, hoping a New Year brings a new start in so many ways and that the Pandemic is brought to a rapid end;


During the recent "Lockdown" to combat the COVID19 pandemic, Jacqueline put her haberdashery skills to good use by making masks to distribute around the local villages.  Word quickly spread, with people asking for additional masks to forward on to friends and family further afield and now, over 1,100 masks later, they can be found in all corners of the UK and even as far away as Malta!  There is more to life than balancing the books and cTc are proud of Jacqueline's hard work and contribution towards bringing down the impact of this awful virus.

  • December 2020;  cTc is commissioned to support a proposal by a Bristol based industrial employer, to extend its permitted hours of work;


  • December 2020;  cTc is commissioned to support a proposal by a Bristol based industrial employer, to extend its permitted hours of work;


  • December 2020;  cTc is commissioned to produce written support for a further proposal for residengtial extension of a previously consented development to redevelop a former industrial site in a North Somerset village, for residential development;


  • December 2020;  cTc submits transport representations in support of a proposal for extension of a coinsented residential development on land in a north Gloucestershire village.  The consented develeopment scheme had been succesfully supported by cTc and negotiations had included a commitment to provide speed management measures on the adjacent highway;


  • December 2020;  cTc is commissioned to provide highways and transport support for a proposal for a small extension to a consented residential development of land in Banwell, North Somerset.  cTc produced the Transport Assessment in support of the previous successful application for the adjacent approved site;


  • December 2020;  cTc is commissioned by local residents to review and respond to a Planning Application and adjacent Pre-Application Inquiry for residential development on land adjacent to an historic village on the periphery of Oxford;


  • November 2020;  in conjunction with Sutherland PLS and SYSTRA, cTc submits Written Representations to the Development Consent Order Inquiry into the MetroWest proposals for a light rail Metro system to connect Bristol City Centre with Portishead.  The representations are on behalf of multiple occipies of an industrial estate impacted by the proposal to increase usage of a freight line which crosses the existing industrial estate access, hence increasing the frequency of closure of a rail level crossing;


  • November 2020;  cTc is engaged in liaisons with Highways England in regard to perceived road safety impact associated with a proposed rural leisure development near Peterborough;


  • November 2020;  cTc is engaged to address a local resident's objection to proposals supported by a cTc Transport Statement, promoting a small sustainable, zero carbon residential proposal in Gloucester;


  • November 2020;  cTc's client, Clean Earth Energy erect a large single turbine on land at Magor, south-east Wales.  This is one of the largest land-based turbine erections in the UK and cTc had been commissioned in regard to safety issues of the construction component delivery route;


  • October 2020;  cTc is commissioned with Quadconsult, David Graham Associates and Sutherland PLS to address S278 requirements for a consented residential development in London Borough of Hounslow;


  • October 2020;  cTc is commissioned to update a previous Transport Assessment produced to suipport a proposed park home development in North Somerset;


  • October 2020;  a local land owner commissions cTc to investigate issues of traffic impact in connection with a proposed discount food retail development in Cheltenham.  In particular, cTc is instructed to provide analyses and representation in regard to impact on access and accessibility to an adjacent employment development;


  • October 2020;  cTc is commissioned  to respond to the requiremnts of aprovide a Stage 2 Road Safety Audit for access to a committed residential development in Ashby de la Zouch;


  • October 2020;  cTc is commissioned with David Graham Associates, to provide a Stage 2 Road Safety Audit including Audit Brief, Audit Report and Designer's Response, for a committed residential development adjacent to the A585 Trunk Road in Poulton le Fylde;


  • October 2020;  ; a regular client has commissioned cTc to provide traffic and transportation documentation in support of an residential Planning Application in Tetbury.  Proposals also includde relocation of an existing petrol filling station;


  • October 2020;  ; cTc is commissioned to provide advice and support for a proposed redevelopment of a stately home and its estate in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.  Proposals comprise a mix of residential, hotel and event space and cTc's commission is to provide an access design and a Transport Assessment for these comprehensive proposals;


  • September 2020;  a frequent client has commissioned cTc to update a report compiled two years ago to reflect a slightly larger development schedule on land in Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire;


  • September 2020;  cTc is commissioned in regard to Condition discharge of highway and transportation matters pertaining to the recently consented children's play development in Alresford, Essex.  This commission involves liaisons in regard to the S278, producing a Construction Traffic Management Plan and a Green Travel Plan in support of the proposal;


  • September 2020;  A site in Lancashire, on which cTc previously advised is in preparation for resubmission and cTc is appointed to update the previous access, highways and transportation advice.  A new TS is provided;


  • September 2020;  cTc is commissioned to provide advice and advocacy in support of a proposed residential development in Banwell, North Somerset;


  • August 2020;  Congratulations to our Client, WSM Farming on achieving Planning Permission for their proposed children's leisure park on under-utilised land at Alresford Hall in Essex.  Highway issues became contentious amongst local residents and pressure groups, however, cTc's thorough and comprehensive analyses systematically addressed each of the issues raised and the Planning Committee voted in agreement with the positive Highways Consultation Response;


  • August 2020;  Congratulations to our Client, Litfield Land on achieving Planning Permission for the conversion of a former popular public house in the centre of Worle, North Somerset, to provide a pre-school children’s nursery.  cTc prepared the Transport Statement in support of the application, along with a Travel Plan Framework and negotiations included on-site operation (vehicle manoeuvring within the car park) and site access improvements;


  • August 2020; cTc are proud to be assisting our long standing Client Newland Homes with their state of the art proposed Zero Carbon housing development at Hempsted, Gloucester.  Having assisted with previous Newland Homes developments adjacent on both sides, cTc is very familiar with the local infrastructure and the issues likely to arise.  We are delighted to be involved with this ground breaking proposal which will introduce an array of modern technologies including sustainable power generation, vegetable growing areas in gardens and electric car charging points in each household.  This exciting proposal is an example of the future being brought to us now by a forward thinking developer and their development team, including cTc;
  • August 2020; cTc is commissioned to advise a local landowner in regard to access and other highway matters pertaining to a proposed camping and caravan site on farmland in the Cotswolds;;


  • July 2020; A high performance and competition car dealership has appointed carl TONKS consulting along with Quadconsult, David Graham Associates and Sutherland PLS to complete the S278 process in regard to a new dealership in Tewkesbury Borough;


  • July 2020; cTc are appointed with Quadconsult and Sutherland PLS to manage the S278 design and Agreement process in regard to a housing scheme in London Borough of Hounslow;


  • July 2020; a local land owner has appointed carl TONKS consulting to advise in regard to proposals for residential development of a former employment site in Weston-super-Mare;


  • July 2020; carl TONKS consulting is assistaing a local landowner in promotion of a proposal for residential development of land in a Wiltshire Village;


  • July 2020; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to assist a major landowner with proposals to redevelop a former vehicle testing centre in Oxfordshire to provide mixed employment uses.  cTc's input will include assistance in scheme design by way of analysing on-site vehicle movements and production of a Transport Assessment for submission in support of a forthcoming Planning Application;


  • July 2020; cTc are assisting a local land owner in an application for a car park to serve Bristol International Airport.  The Airport recently received a refusal for plans for expansion which included a significant amount of additional on-site car parking.  The current proposals promoted by cTc’s client are located to the west of Congresbury, convenient for access to and from the National motorway network and will provide a Park and Ride service linking to the Airport. The Airport is unusual in not being accessed via a major Trunk Road, requiring travellers to use local rural roads to access the airport’s on-site car parks.  The proposals will permit journeys to and from the airport by bus for the final parts of the journey, through the North Somerset countryside, providing benefit for local villages by substantially reducing traffic demand, bringing improvements by way of reduced congestion and air quality benefits through lower travel related emissions;


  • July 2020; In common with the rest of Britain, cTc is starting a cautious return to working in the office, rather than from home.  Currently our companies are combining part-time in the office with part time workimg from home, hence the best option for contacting any of our staff is to try the mobile number in the first instance;


  • July 2020; As an update on Jacqueline's activities during lockdown; her sewing machine has been working overtime producing facemasks to help out with the ongoing pandemic.  Over 700 produced and distributed to date, they have gone throughout the UK and to a number of international destinations too!


Carl is representing a local land owner and a multi-Michelin-Star chef in an Appeal against refusal by North Yorkshire National Parks Authority of planning permission for conversion of an existing wedding venue to provide a fine dining restaurant in a popular village.  At the Committee Meeting, an adjacent application for extension of a popular food-pub was approved.  Both Applications were supported by technical reports compiled by cTc and in preparing his evidence for the Appeal, Carl has undertaken substantial further survey work, which has confirmed the previous conclusion; that no material traffic impact would result on the adjacent highway through the village.


  • June 2020; Congratulations to cTc's client AGS Development Consultants on achieving Planning Permission for further employemnt development at Hazel Park, Ledbury.  The Transport Statement submitted in support of this project was prepared by cTc Transport Planning;


  • May 2020; In these highly unusual times, cTc is not sitting idle.  In parallel with our ongoing project work, Jacqueline has taken a lead on cTc's social responsibility credentials and is spending every spare minute making face masks to help combat the spread of COVID 19.  Over 300 made so far and distributed on daily dog walks around Caerleon.  Initially the dog (Blodwyn) didn't know what had hit her, but unfortunately the substantial increase in her exercise routine has led to a significant improvement in her canine fitness and now both Jacqueline and Carl struggle to keep up with her on these daily walks!


  • April 2020; Despite the current terrible issues we are all aware of, the Planning World continues to turn and congratulations are due to cTc 's client Junior Club House Ltd on achieving Planning Permission from London Borough of Richmond for change of use of a store room above a bar in Twickenham to provide morning pre-school and evening post-school accommodation for pupils of the nearby St Mary's Primary School.  Further to concerns expressed by the Local Highway Authority in regard to the potential for unsafe drop-off and pick-up manoeuvres in the vicinity of an adjacent traffic signal controlled junction, cTc administered a travel mode survey of existing journeys associated  with the Applicant's childcare business and produced a Travel Plan to influence journeys away from private car.  This was accepted and Planning Permission was achieved.  cTc would also like to thank London Borough of Richmond for their positivity in making this happen at a time when all officers are working from home;


  • March 2020; As responsible employers in these uncertain times, both cTc Group companies are promoting homeworking, with office visits only for rare essentials.  Similarly, our office reception including switchboard is now closed and is anticipated to remain so for the duration of the pandemic, which clearly at present, we do not know.  Notwithstanding the above, cTc Group remains open for business.  Should you require to contact us to discuss your transport planning, traffic or highways issues, please rely on email and/or mobile telephone numbers until such time that the world can return to normality and offices can re-open to trade as normal.  Wishing all of our clients, colleagues, fellow consultants, local and National authority officers and our competitors too happiness and, above all; health.  Stay positive and stay safe.  We will look forward to seeing you all on the other side of this;


  • March 2020; In response to the current health emergency, the Hearing for the Appeal into refusal by the North Yorkshire National Parks Authority of permission for conversion of an historic barn into a fine dining restaurant has been postponed.  Carl remains ready to pick this one up again once cicrumstances improve;



  • February 2020; carl TONKS consulting is assisting a local land-owner to overcome access constraints in order to identify opportunities to maximise value of an historic farmstead in North Somerset;


  • February 2020; carl TONKS consulting is representing a local landowner in partnership with a registered childminding enterprise in promoting a change of use for an under-utilised space above a local bar, to provide morning and evening pre- and post-school care for a local primary school in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames;


  • February 2020; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide transportation and highway support for a proposal to convert a public house into a pre-school nursery in a North Somerset town;


  • January 2020; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to assist with a proposal for a single dwelling in a high density residential area of east London.  The proposals have previously been refused planning permission on grounds including access and cTc is tasked with addressing the issues arising in this regard;


  • January 2020; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide advice and technical representation in regard to an interesting phased residential development of a former Victorian industrial site in a West Devon village.  Proposals include sensitive conversion of historically important listed buildings to provide in excess of 60 homes;


  • January 2020; Happy New Year to all of cTc's clients, fellow consultants and local authority officers with whom we work.  2020 is already shaping up to be a fascinating year, with discussions progressing with the LHA pursuant to a Statement of Common Ground regarding a Planning Appeal for which Carl is providing highways evidence.  The range of proposals with which cTc is assisting is broadening, keeping us increasingly busy alongside our normal residential and commercial work;


Land at Bleadon, for which cTc produced a Transport Assessment in support of proposals for 200 dwellings, local centre, employment and a health centre.  The application was refused by North Somerset Council and Carl represented the land owner in the subsequent Appeal Public Inquiry.  Although the Appeal was ultimately lost on environmental grounds, the Council's, Carl's negotiation pursuant to the Appeal and Evidence presented to the Inquiry resulted in the Highways Reason for Refusal being dropped.



  • December 2019; As usual at this time of the year, cTc is being kept very busy right up to the year end shut down, completing inquiries and Applications which our varied clients are keen to see registered in 2019.  After a busy year, we are looking forward to a relaxing break over the festive period and wish our clients and fellow consultants an enjoyable celebration of whichever sort kind subscribe to.  Looking forward to a busy and successful 2020;


  • December 2019; carl TONKS consulting is assisting a retailer in regard to proposals for a mixed-use, predominanly retail development in Gloucestershire;


  • November 2019; cTc Transport Planning is advising in regard to traffic and access matters pertaining to a proposal to construct an architecturally bespoke house in a village in the Forest of Dean;


  • November 2019; as part of our ongoing commisison in regard to enhancement of the efficiency of a major  historic land estate in South Devon, carl TONKS consulting isproviding representations in support of enhancing a former agriculteral barn for vehicle storage and business use;
  • November 2019; carl TONKS consulting is representing a landowner in regard to promotion of a visitor day attraction on land at a substantial historic estate in Essex;


  • October 2019; carl TONKS consulting is representing a local property owner in partnership with a multi-Michelin starred chef in the Appeal against refusal of Planning Permission for a proposed Fine Dining restaurant in a village in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. cTc have been involved with this proposal for a little over a year, having supported the Planning Application which was considered in parallel with a proposed extension of an adjacent popular food pub, the latter also supported by a technical report from cTc.  Despite a supportive Officer's Report, the committee chose to approve the proposed extension of the food pub, but refused the proposed Fine Dining restuarant.  The Appeal against this refusal is now lodged with the planning Inspectorate, supported by technical evidence provided by Carl;
  • October 2019; Following its adjournment in July, the Public Inquiry into refusal by North Somerset Council of a Planning Application for development of up to 200 dwellings, local retail, employment and health centre uses on a site in Bleadon, the Inquiry reconvened in the Town Hall in Weston super Mare.  Further to substantial negotiation pursuant to a comprehensive Statement of Common Ground, the Council declined to defend it's Highways Reason for Refusal.  Notwithstanding this, Carl presented evidence to the Inquiry and was subject to Cross Examination on matters of highway safety and sustainable transport.  The team now awaits the Inspector's Decision Notice;


  • October 2019; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to investigate details of access for a proposed extension of an existing public house in North Somerset to provide overnight accomodation;


  • October 2019; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to produce a Transport Statement in support of a proposed extension of an existing business park in Ledbury;


  • September 2019; in order better to cater for our growing workload cTc's head office in Bristol has moved within the same business centre to a bigger and more appropriate room.  This has enabled us to bring into the office many documents previously stored off-site, hence growing our available information store and improving our efficiency.  It has also greatly benefitted our team's fitness levels lugging many boxes of files and paperwork down and back up a substantial number of stairs;


  • September 2019carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by a local landowner to advise in regard to access requirements for a proposed dog exercise venue on a rural site in the southern Cotswolds;


  • September 2019;  further to the grant of planning permission announced below, Newland Homes have confirmed carl TONKS consulting's commission to produce and achieve highway authority agreement to a Residents' Travel Plan for their committed development of 77 dwellings in Claverham;


  • September 2019;  Congratulations to our client Newland Homes on receipt of full Planning Permission for development of their brownfield site in Claverham, North Somerset for development of 77 new homes.  The site was previously occupied by an aerospace design and manufacturing facility and included a number of historic and listed buildings which the development both respects and protects by means of sensitive residential conversion and enhancement of the setting through tasteful landscaping.  A Transport Assessment was compiled in support of the Application by carl TONKS consulting, which addressed the comparison of trip generation of the historic and extant use with that proposed and concluded no net detriment in terms of operation of local or wider transport infrastructure;


  • August 2019cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to provide a Section 278 Design and co-ordination of the legal agreement process in regard to a household storage development in Newport;


  • August 2019carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise a strategic land owner in south Devon in regard to traffic and highways matters arising from a program of enhancements, improvements and numerous minor redevelopments proposed for its substantial estate holding.  This is an exciting project in which cTc is able to provide a significant strategic input to key decisions ni the ongoing use of this historic asset;


  • August 2019cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to advise a local land owner in regard to access for a proposed events venue in rural Rhondda Cynon Taff;


  • July 2019;  on behalf of the Appellant, Carl attended a Public Inquiry into refusal of an application for 200 dwellings, a local centre, employment and health centre uses on a site in Bleadon.  Further to substantive negotiations, North Somerset Council has declined to defend its highways Reason for Refusal, however, Carl's attendance was still required in order to address questions from the Inspector and local pressure groups.  The Inquiry has sat for three days and adjourned;


  • July 2019;  congratulations to cTc's client, Monere Construction Ltd on receipt of planning permission for expansion of their employment facility in Andoversford in Cotswold District.  A Transport Statement was provided by carl TONKS consulting in support of the Application and susbstantive negotiation followed in order to agree a minor improvement of the existing access junction into Andoversford Industrial Estate.  cTc successfully concluded these negotiations several months ago, but release of Planning Permission was held up by other matters.  All matters are now satisfactorily addressed and Planning Permission is achieved;


  • July 2019; cTc is assisting residents of a Buckinghamshire town in regard to local traffic impact of proposals for a major urban extension;


  • July 2019; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to assist a food haulage company to relocate to new premises in a northern Gloucestershire business park;




carl TONKS consulting is delighted to be assisting a local land owner with his proposals for an Airport Park and Ride facility near to Junction 21 of the M5 motorway.  This is an exciting project with major potential benefits for North Somerset.




  • June 2019; Congratulations to our client, owner of Dauncey's hotel in Weston super Mare.  In response to a pre-Application enquiry in regard to proposals to convert the historic sea front hotel to residential use, North Somerset Council had expressed some concerns in regard to availability of local car parking.  cTc responded with a comprehensive car parking availability and occupancy survey of adjacent streets and off-street car parks, along with a review of local transport options and facilities readily available and sustainably accessible.  In combination, these strands of evidence submitted as an early intervention in the Planning Process enabled achievement of Planning Permission for provision of some 20 flats in the former 70 bed hotel. After much work the Planning Permission is now ratified;


  • June 2019; Evidence is exchanged in advance of a Planning Appeal Public Inquiry further to North Somerset Council's refusal to grant planning permission for an Application for up to 200 houses plus associated local centre retail, healthcare and employment uses in a village south of Weston super Mare.  After prolonged negotiations, the LPA have submitted no evidence in defence of their highways Reason for Refusal of the Application.  Evidence on behalf of the Appellant has been submitted by Carl Tonks;


  • June 2019; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide feasibility advice in regard to highways access pertaining to a potential hall of worship in a Hertfordshire village;


  • June 2019; carl TONKS consulting provides feasibility advice to a local landowner in regard to opportunities for accessing a small-scale residential development of agricultural land on the edge of a Gloucestershire village;


  • May 2019; The Institute of Logistics and Transport has confirmed Carl Tonks as a Chartered Fellow (FCILT);


  • May 2019; a regular client has confirmed carl TONKS consulting's commission to support a proposal for of the order of 90 new dwellings in a South Gloucestershire town;


  • May 2019; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise a local landowner in regard to opportunities for residential development in a Gloucestershire village;


  • April 2019; congratulations to Jacqueline Ireland, Director of cTc Transport Planning and Company Secretary and Data Researcher for carl TONKS consulting on achieving Membership of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (MCIHT);


  • April 2019; carl TONKS consulting is assisting a regular client with matters of accessibility in regard to a site in a Gloucestershire village;


  • April 2019; carl TONKS consulting is advising on matters of access to a rural site in Essex;


  • April 2019; carl TONKS consulting is advising a regular client in regard to access feasibility for a potential residential site in a Worcestershire village;


  • March 2019; a regular client of carl TONKS consulting has asked for support and advice in regard to seeking agreement to minor variations of a Section 38 / 278 design on a site in Milton Keynes;


  • March 2019; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support a planning application for development of up to 6 dwellings on a former building company storage site in Weston super Mare;


  • March 2019; Carl attended the Yorkshire Dales National Park Planning Committee meeting at which permission was granted for extension of The Angel, a popular gastro-pub in the village of Hetton.  Traffic and parking concerns had been raised by the Parish Council, but these were successfully rebutted by carl TONKS consulting's Transport Statement supported by bespoke parking surveys;


  • February 2019; Congratulations to Ed Pope, Senior Engineer with cTc Transport Planning on achieving membership of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (MCIHT);


  • February 2019; Herefordshire planners have reached a decision regarding an application for 9 dwellings on land at Wilton, Ross on Wye on which cTc Transport Planning has been providing transport and highway support for some considerable time.  Unfortunately the Application was refused, however, no highway or transportation Reason for Refusal was stated.  This is despite much representation from local residents in regard to the adjacent rural lane and its nearby junction with the nearby A40 Trunk Road.  Representations by cTc had caused the removal of an earlier Highways Recommendation for Refusal.  We shall watch with interest any ongoing developments in regard to these proposals and remain poised to step back in should further highways representation be required;


  • February 2019; Highways officers agree with cTc's assertion that, despite being contrary to Council published standards, a proposal for an additional three houses in an East Riding village can be safely accessed from a private driveway ;


  • January 2019; Congratulations to Richard Price, Graduate Trtansport Planner with carl TONKS consulting in gaining Graduate Membership of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (GradCIHT);


  • January 2019; carl TONKS consulting is delighted to be advising the Mead Group in regard to promotion of a Park and Ride facility to serve the proposed expansion of Bristol Airport to 12 million Passengers Per Annum.  This is an exciting proposal which will secure significant benefits both for travellers and local residents due to reduced congestion on A38 and other routes in the vicinity of the airport.


  • January 2019; On the first day back in the New Year carl TONKS consulting receives its first commission of 2019.  A long standing client and property developer has instructed investigations and representation in regard to a village site in East Riding of Yorkshire for a small residential proposal;


  • January 2019; Happy New Year to all of our Clients, colleagues and friends.  Looking forward to an increasingly busy 2019;


A development of 44 luxury homes in Gloucester.  Planning Permission was secured further to submission of a Transport Statement prepared by carl TONKS consulting and lengthy negotiations with Gloucestershire County Council in order to secure a sensitive arrangement for site access, adjacent to a listed manor house.




  • December 2018; Approaching the end of a very busy year which has seen much business growth, cTc would like to wish all of our clients, fellow consultants and local authority contacts a fun filled Christmas.  2018 has seen the business take some momentous steps and we look forward to continued success and growth throughout 2019.  We trust that you will all join us on the next stage of our journey and look forward to another year of working together;


  • December 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to produce a Construction Management Plan for a residential development in Hertfordshire.  This is required as a Precommencement Condition on the Planning Permission and therefore forms a critical component in releasing the land for development;


  • December 2018; cTc Transport Planning is supporting a client in light of Planning Enforcement Action concerning minor discrepancies in the construction of an approved equine facility and new access.  Planning Permission for this development was achieved several years ago further to access and highways support provided by cTc;


  • December 2018; carl TONKS consulting is providing access and traffic advice and representation for a local land owner in regard to proposals for a small camping and glamping site on agricultural land in North Lincolnshire;


  • December 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide analyses and support for a proposal to redevelop a former parking court on a south Bristol housing estate to provide a small residential development;


  • November 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned in regard to strategic promotion of land for housing in Cheltenham Borough;


  • November 2018; cTc Transport Planning is providing advice and advocacy in regard to an application for Prior Approval for a proposed conversion of an employment building to residential in the Forest of Dean;


  • November 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to assist with transportation and traffic matters arising from a strategic promotion of land for housing in Tewkesbury Borough;


  • October 2018; The Directors and staff at cTc wish to extend a warm welcome to Richard Price, who joins our Bristol Office as a Graduate Transport Planner.  With a keen interest in transport, including urban mass transit, Richard will play a key role assisting with delivery of our rapidly growing workload on development sites throughout the UK;


  • October 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to promote a site for residential allocation in East Riding of Yorkshire;


  • September 2018; congratulations to a local land owner on achieving Planning Permission for providing a motel on a site a short distance from Bristol Airport.  The Application included redesign of the site's access arrangements and carl TONKS consulting provided the preliminary access design and negotiation / advocacy with North Somerset Council;


  • September 2018; congratulations to our client, Mead Realisations on achieving Planning Permission for provision of a children's day nursery at its Puxton Park visitor attraction.  The Application was supported by a Transport Statement by carl TONKS consulting;


  • September 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to produce traffic and parking reports to accompany two planning applications for food and drink venues in a Yorkshire village;


  • September 2018; Many thanks to Newland Homes for the kind invitation to Carl to attend their annual clay pigeon shoot.  The day proved, as always, to be a fun day out full of excellent sport, interesting conversation, amusing anecdotes and great food.  All in all a great day for which grateful thanks;


  • September 2018; carl TONKS consulting is appointed to design a new agricultural access to farmland in North Somerset in order to address road safety concerns associated with the historic gateway access arrangements;


  • September 2018; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to provide feasibility advice in regard to accessing a proposed single dwelling in the garden of a property in a Forest of Dean village;


  • August 2018; a local business has commissioned carl TONKS consulting to address highway matters raised in regard to its planning application for expansion of its existing business within an industrial estate on the edge of a Cotswold village;


  • August 2018; after a lengthy design and negotiation process, cTc's client ETM Recycling has achieved planning permission for a wholesale redesign of their existing recycling site in Ashton Gate.  The redesign is part of a modernisation and substantial upgrade of their equipment and has included a cleansheet respecification of the layout which was informed by an assessment of vehicle movements undertaken by carl TONKS consulting, comprising vehicle swept paths and observations of on-site congestion and queues extending beyond the site boundaries, onto the adjacent industrial estate roads;


  • August 2018; congratulations to our client Abbeymill Homes who have achieved planning permission for development of 5 houses on a rural site near Milton Keynes.  carl TONKS consulting provided the Transport Statement which supported the successful Planning Application;


  • August 2018; carl TONKS consulting is advising a local land owner in regard to strategic promotion of land on the edge of a Cotswold village, with a view to seeking allocation for residential development;


  • July 2018; cTc is recruiting!  We are looking for junior Transport Planner(s) to work in our Bristol office. You will probably have a relevant degree and some experience of development related transport planning.  If you are ambitious and looking for an opportunity with an active, growing organisation, with a focus on business and career development, but also on ensuring our team enjoy coming to work and share our goals, please give us a call or email your details including CV to recruitment@tonks-consulting.co.uk;


  • July 2018; in a defining point in cTc's history and in order to facilitate further recruitment required to more easily  serve our growing workload, our head office in Bristol has moved.  We are now located at 13 - 14, Orchard Street, behind the Bristol Hippodrome.  This exciting move enables centralisation of our resources and consequently improved communication amongst our existing team, leading to greater efficiency and speed of turn around of our project requirements.  In addition, we look forward to welcoming new members of staff who will join us in the near future as we expand to meet existing and future workloads.  This move signals the start of the next exciting chapter in cTc's story; if you are in central Bristol, please give us a call, we would love to see you in our new home! 


  • July 2018; congratulations to our client, a Wiltshire based farm owner, on receipt of Planning Permission for development of an employment building on his farmstead near Cirencester.  A Highways Objection was overcome further to submission of cTc's report which confirmed that safe and appropriate access could be achieved onto the local rural road network;


  • July 2018; carl TONKS consulting is advising a local householder in regard to access to a proposal comprising an additional house in an existing residential garden near Cheltenham;


A housing development in Twyning, Gloucestershire under construction.  Planning Permission had been secured further to submission of a Transport Statement prepared by carl TONKS consulting, which had also engaged in substantial negotiations with Gloucestershire County Council in order to resolve a sensitive arrangement for site access.





  • June 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on operational issues concerning layout for a consented residential development in Essex;


  • June 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent a land owner in regard to a retrospective Planning Application for an off-road bike park on agricultural land in Cornwall;


  • June 2018; carl TONKS consulting submits a Transport Statement in support of an application for further minor residential development adjacent to a consented residential site in Yate for which permission had been achieved following cTc's analyses and negotiation in regard to sensitive issues concerning the adjacent highway operation;


  • May 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned in regard to access advice along with traffic and transport support for a planning application for mixed use development of a site on the edge of an East Hertfordshire town to provide residential use and a place of worship;


  • May 2018; carl TONKS consulting is advising in refuse vehicle access and manoeuvring for a residential development site in an Oxfordshire village;


  • May 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide traffic and transportation input to a Planning Appeal for non-determination of an Application for redevelopment of a former taxi-rank for residential use in a Lancashire town.  Despite the scope of analysis of cTc's Transport Statement having been agreed with officers of Lancashire County Council prior to commencing, a critical Highways Consultation Response had been provided.  cTc continues to support the previous highway position, that no deleterious traffic impact will result from the proposals.  The matter will now be determined by a Government Inspector;


  • May 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to investigate refuse vehicle manoeuvring for a residential proposal in an Oxfordshire village.  An analysis had previously been undertaken by a third party consultant from which Oxfordshire County Council concluded that the proposals appeared unable to support the necessary manoeuvres, hence they required the site design to be revised.  cTc re-assessed this and demonstrated conclusively that there was no need to amend the proposals and the required manoeuvres were able to be successfully undertaken in the proposed layout;


  • May 2018; further to refusal of permission on grounds of unsafe access, cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to provide evidence in support of the Appeal pursuant to conversion of an existing storage outbuilding for residential use and improvement to an existing sub-standard driveway in a village near Ross on Wye;


  • April 2018; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to support an Application for residential conversion of an existing employment building in the Forest of Dean;


  • April 2018; carl TONKS consulting is advising a local farmer in regard to access for a proposed farm diversification to provide employment use in a rural location near Cirencester;


  • April 2018; a local landowner commissions carl TONKS consulting to investigate access opportunities and support an Outline Application for residential use on agricultural land adjacent to a North Somerset village;


  • April 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to investigate implications of a change in development schedule for a proposed residential development in North Someset;


  • April 2018; Carl attends a charity black tie dinner in Cardiff in support of Kidsout Charity, as guest of Quadconsult.  An excellent evening was had and many thanks for the kind invitation;


  • March 2018; carl TONKS consulting is advising a local resident in objection to congestion and road safety matters pertaining to a retrospective Application for a cafe use in a village shop in South Yorkshire;


  • March 2018; hearty congratulations to our client AGR Group, whose Appeal against Cornwall Council's refusal to grant planning permission for development of 134 rooms of student accommodation on a site in Falmouth has been allowed by the Government's Planning Inspector.  A Transport Assessment had been prepared by cTc Transport Planning in support of the Planning Application and subsequent negotiation had achieved agreement with Highways Officers of Cornwall Council that no defensible highways or transportation Reasons for Refusal remained.  However and notwithstanding this, in the face of considerable representation by local residents' organisations, the Application was refused for reasons including impact on local on-street car parking and free-flow of traffic.  Pursuant to the Appeal, cTc negotiated a comprehensive Statement of Common Ground with Highways Officers, however, considerable time at the Appeal Hearing was given over to discussion in regard to perceptions of congestion and parking issues.  Carl spoke to the Appeal in response to matters raised by local residents and the Inspector concluded that students' use of private cars is able to be adequately managed and controlled.  Consequently, no deleterious impact remains and the Appeal is allowed;


  • March 2018; a local land owner commissions carl TONKS consulting to provide access advice and representation in regard to a proposed holiday home development in a North Somerset seaside location;


  • March 2018; cTc  Transport Planning is commissioned to provide access advice and representation in regard to a proposal for conversion of an existing outbudling to provide additional residential accommodation in a village near Ross on Wye in Herefordshire;


  • March 2018; carl TONKS consulting is supporting residential proposals on a site near Milton Keynes;


  • March 2018; carl TONKS consulting is advising on access issues at an existing employment site in southern Worcestershire;


  • March 2018; carl TONKS consulting provides further advice on design issues associated with a proposed single residential unit in a conservation area within a Gloucestershire village;


  • March 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support a Planning Application for development of a site comprising park homes in North Somerset;


  • February 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to assist with access, on-site design and support for a Planning Application for holiday accommodation in a seaside resort village;


  • February 2018; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to produce a Transport Statement in support of proposals to redevelop an historic business park near Cheltenham, for residential use;
  • February 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on strategy and off-site access issues arising in regard to residential development options for a small site currently comprising agricultural buildings on the edge of Milton Keynes;
  • February 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on opportunities and constraints in terms of traffic capacity and to produce a Transport Assessment in support of a proposed outdoor activity centre on a rural site near Peterborough;
  • February 2018; the Planning Inspectorate report is received on an Appeal against refusal of Planning Permission for residential development if a former car park site in a Devon village.  The Application had been refused for various grounds including claimed deleterious impact on road safety.  The Inspector's decision was to uphold the refusal, however, only on the ground of visual impact on a Conservation Area.  The Inspector fully accepted evidence submitted to the Appeal by carl TONKS consulting, that the scheme would result in no material traffic impact an dn that REason for Refusal was removed;
  • February 2018; congratulations to cTc's client, a Cotswold farmer, on achieving Planning Permission for agricultural diversification comprising conversion of various agricultural buildings plus some newbuild to provide a holiday venue on his farm, east of Cheltenham.  cTc had been engaged in producing Transport Statement(s) and traffic management plans for different developmnet options for this site;
  • February 2018; a syndicate of local businesses commissions carl TONKS consulting to review submissions promoting one of the Metrowest alignments into Bristol City Centre in regard specifically to operational traffic impact on the vehicular access to a local business park;
  • February 2018; further to an architect's redesign of a single house proposal in a Gloucestershire village, carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to address access and highways issues arising;
  • February 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to undertake a Transport Assessment in support of a proposed employment development of land adjacent to a small town in Essex;
  • January 2018; congratulations to our client, a local property developer, on achieving Planning Permission for development of 5 new dwellings in a village in East Riding of Yorkshire.  The adjacent highway network is compromised by historic legal issues associated with a former development firm and the local Highway Authorities categoric Objection was addressed by careful negotiation by carl TONKS consulting;
  • January 2018; a consortium of local residents commission cTc Transport Planning to audit and respond on highways matters pertaining to a proposed residential development in a Forest of Dean village;
  • January 2018; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to support a minor amendment of a Planning Permission which we previously assisted to secure, for residential conversion of an agricultural building in Herefordshire;
  • January 2018; carl TONKS consulting is representing a developer in regard to a proposed mixed-use development on the edge of Sheffield City Centre ;
  • January 2018; a local land owner commissions carl TONKS consulting to assist with design and promotion of access to a proposed single dwelling in a rural Gloucestershire hamlet;
  • January 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise in regard to access to a small residential proposal in Forest of Dean;
  • January 2018; a local housebuilder commissions carl TONKS consulting to provide advice in regard to highways access for a site in Gloucester;
  • January 2018; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on access issues associated with a small residential development proposal in a Cambridgeshire village;
  • January 2018; cTc wishes our Clients and colleagues a successful New Year.  Here's to continued growth throughout 2018;


Construction of a housing development in Bredon, Worcestershire, for which cTc had designed an access arrangement in keeping with the neighbouring historic village infrastructure and yet achieving modern standards of safety and accessibility.





  •  December  2017; after an increasingly busy year cTc wishes all of our Clients and fellow consultants a relaxing and Merry Christmas;
  • December  2017; congratulations to our client Eric Wright and Co on securing Planning Permission for their Client's proposal for relocation of the North West Ambulance Service ambulance station in Burnley to the site of the new Burnley General Hospital.  carl TONKS consulting had provided a Transport Statement and undertook substantial negotations in regard to matters of access, car parking and off-site traffic impact;
  • December  2017; carl TONKS consulting is advising in regard to access for a proposed development of sheltered accommodation adjacent to and associated with an existing home for the elderly and infirm in a Devon village;
  • December  2017; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to support a small residential proposal in Monmouth;
  • November  2017; cTc Transport Planning is advising a local landowner in regard to proposals for small-scale residential development of former agricultural land near Ross-on-Wye in Herefordshire;
  • November  2017; cTc Group is commissioned to provide multi-disciplinary support on highways and drainage matters for strategic residential proposals in St Helens;
  • November  2017; Abbeymill Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting's appointment to produce a transport Statement in support of a small residential development proposal in a rural Oxfordshire hamlet;
  • November  2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide representation in regard to proposals to convert disused agricultural buildings into employment use in North Somerset;
  • November  2017; the long term resident of a major country house in Gloucestershire confirms carl TONKS consulting's appointment to provide traffic representation in support of a retrospective application for Planning Permission for a rural events and wedding venue;
  • November  2017; cTc Transport Planning  is commissioned to represent a local landowner in promoting a small residential proposal adjacent to a Herefordshire hamlet;
  • November  2017; a local landowner confirms carl TONKS consulting's commission to advise in regard to proposals to enhance and improve the existing hotel provision on a site near to Bristol Airport;
  • November  2017; carl TONKS consulting is representing an independent housebuilder in promoting a greenfield site Banwell for up to 50 dwellings;
  • October 2017; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to design and negotiate a local speed management scheme in a rural hamlet in Herefordshire;
  • October 2017; congratulations to our clients; two local land owners in North Somerset, on receipt of Planning Permission for a new access junction onto the A38 south of Bristol Airport.  carl TONKS consulting was engaged to promote this Application further to a previous refusal of Permission and after an extended and tortuous process, permission is finally received;
  • October 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on matters of access and off-site issues associated with a proposal for residential development on a greenfield site in rural Gloucestershire;
  • October 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support a planning application for relocation of an ambulance station Burnley as part of the redevelopment of Burnley General Hospital;
  • October 2017; further to the grant of Planning Permission for an urban infill residential development which was supported by a Transport Statement from carl TONKS consulting, cTc Group is commissioned to produce Section 38 and Section 278 designs for a small residential development in Leeds;
  • October 2017; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned by a local land owner to advise in regard to a small residential development on a greenfield site adjacent to a small hamlet in Herefordshire;
  • October 2017; cTc Transport Planning is providing advice and advocacy in support of a proposal to convert a large historic house into a veterinary practise in Ledbury;
  • October 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to  provide advice and representation in regard to a residential development on a greenfield site in a Lancashire village;
  • October 2017; cTc Transport Planning  is representing a local land owner in promotion of a greenfield site for a small residential development in the Forest of Dean;
  • October 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support a planning application for residential development of a greenfield site in a village near Oxford;
  • October 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support a planning application for relocation of an ambulance station Burnley as part of the redevelopment of Burnley General Hospital;
  • September 2017; cTc Group is commissioned to advise on transportation and other engineering issues in regard to a proposed residential development on a greenfield site on the eastern edge of Burnley;
  • September 2017; congratulations to our client, a local land owner in a Herefordshire village, on receipt of Planning Permission for development of 10 dwellings on a greenfield site adjacent to the A40 at Appeal.  cTc Transport Planning has promoted this proposal for some considerable time, further to earlier proposals promoted by others and a failed Appeal.  In this instance the Appeal was made on grounds of non-determination and in light of the Planning Committee publishing its view that it would be minded to refuse permission on various grounds including highway safety;
  • September 2017; Newland Homes commission carl TONKS consulting to advise and negotiate pursuant to a proposed extension of a committed and part constructed development in Frome, Somerset.  cTc advised on the original Application, including representation at Appeal, where a refusal on grounds including Highways was successfully overturned;
  • September 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide further advice in regard to amended proposals for a single new house in a Gloucestershire village.  Previous advice has been provided for earlier options for development of this site;
  • September 2017; a local landowner commissions carl TONKS consulting to advise and report in regard to a proposed redevelopment of an historic hotel use near to Bristol Airport;
  • September 2017; a local landowner confirms carl TONKS consulting's commission to advise in regard to a residential proposal adjacent to a busy radial route into Yate;
  • September 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by Newland Homes to advise and promote two new sites, one in Claverham, North Somerset and one is an extension of a committed site in a northern Gloucestershire village. cTc advised on the previous development here, now permitted;
  • September 2017; carl TONKS consulting is advising a housebuilder on access design matters in regard to a proposal in Oxford;
  • September 2017; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to represent a local property owner in regard to proposed conversion of a large detached house to flats in a Surrey town.  Important issues arising include car parking congestion on the adjacent roads and cTc is promoting car-free development on this sustainable site;
  • September 2017; Newland Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting 's commission to advise and undertake a Transport Assessment in support of their proposals for residential development of the order of 50 dwellings near Cam in Gloucestershire;
  • September 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on access matters to a proposed industrial development in Tiverton;
  • August 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on an application for conversion of under-utilised barns at a Cotswold farm, to provide holiday accommodation;


  • August 2017; carl TONKS consulting is advising a property developer in regard to land in Yate;


  • August 2017; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to represent a local residents' group in objecting to a strategic housing proposal in Rhondda Cynon Taff;


  • August 2017; cTc Group is commissioned by a local land owner to provide multi-disciplinary engineering support to the promotion of a strategic housing site in Calderdale, West Yorkshire;


  • August 2017; a local land owner commissions carl TONKS consulting to provide a Transport Statement in support of a proposed residential redevelopment of a former taxi control office on an industrial estate near to a Lancashire town;


  • August 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commission to produce a Section 278 design for a housing site in Leeds for which planning consent was achieved further to approval of cTc's Transport Statement;
  • August 2017; a local property developer confirms carl TONKS consulting's commission to produce a Transport Assessment in support of a proposed development of a hotel and public house adjacent to a major inter-urban route in Stroud District;
  • August 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide Section 278 advice on a consented housing site in an Oxfordshire village;
  • July 2017; carl TONKS consulting is advising in regard to the impact of highway design matters on a purchase contract for a green field site with consent for residential development, near to Milton Keynes;
  • July 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to address car parking and access questions in regard to a proposal to redevelop an existing public house in a local centre, to provide residential accommodation;
  • July 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support an application for residential development on a site currently occupied by a taxi rank, adjacent to a technology park in Lancashire.  Key access issues include compromised visibility splays, however, the proposals will result in a reduction in traffic generation in comparison with the extant use, hence represent a net benefit in terms of highway safety;
  • July 2017; cTc Group is commissioned to progress S278 design and Traffic Regulation Orders in association with an urban residential proposal in Leeds for which planning permission was achieved following submission of a Transport Assessment by carl TONKS consulting;
  • July 2017; carl TONKS consulting is advising a residential developer in regard to feasibility issues associated with a village site in Bedfordshire;
  • July 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned in regard to Section 38 Design matters pertaining  to a permitted residential development adjacent to an Oxfordshire village;
  • July 2017; cTc Group is commissioned to provide transport and statutory services support for an application to develop a budget hotel on a brownfield site in Oxford;
  • July 2017; Newland Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to provide traffic and transport support for a planning application for development of circa 90 dwellings on a brownfield site in a Wiltshire town;


  • July 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned in regard to an Appeal against refusal of planning permission for a small residential development in the centre of a Devon village;


Construction of 49 new houses in Evesham, Worcestershire, which was granted Planning Permission further to submission of a Transport Assessment and Residential Travel Plan both prepared by carl TONKS consulting





  • June 2017; cTc Group is commissioned to provide transportation, flood risk and drainage support for a planning application for residential development on farmland adjacent  to Ecclestone in Lancashire;


  • June 2017; cTc Group is commissioned to represent a local landowner in strategic promotion of farmland in Calderdale, West Yorkshire for residential development.  Services to be provided by cTc comprise transport, traffic, highways, flood risk and drainage;


  • June 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise a residential developer on access issues arising in regard to a brownfield site in a Wiltshire town;


  • June 2017; an established local waste management business has commissioned carl TONKS consulting for advice and advocacy in regard to its proposals for redesign of its site in south Bristol.  The site has been impacted by the alignment of the Metrobus link and a redesign is required in order to enable the occupier to continue to trade in a safe, efficient and cost effective manner;


  • June 2017; carl TONKS consulting is providing advice and representation in regard to highway matters pertaining to a restrictive covenant on land purchased by a client in Northamptonshire;


  • May 2017; cTc Group  is advising a developer in regard to a brownfield proposal to provide a budget hotel adjacent to a radial commuter route into Oxford.  cTc Infrastructure is advising on statutory services and drainage, whilst carl TONKS consulting is addressing traffic and transportation matters;


  • May 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise in regard to Section 38 and Section 278 issues arising in regard to an extant permission for housing development on farmland adjacent to an Oxfordshire village;


  • May 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide advice and representation in support of proposals for expansion of a small but successful family-run caravan park in North Somerset.  The proposals incoporate a new access / egress regime;
  • May 2017; carl TONKS consulting is advising a housebuilder in regard to feasibility of delivering a residential development on land abutting a North Somerset village;
  • May 2017; cTc Infrastructure is advising a local land owner in regard to reserved matters and detailed highway design for a small residential development in Brimfield, Herefordshire.  This is further to cTc Group gaining Outline Planning Permission for this development;
  • April 2017; carl TONKS consulting is providing feasibility advice to a housebuilder in regard to opportunities for redevelopment of brownfield land adjacent to a Gloucestershire village, to provide of the order of some 60 dwellings;
  • April 2017; carl TONKS consulting is advising a local land owner in regard to access arrangements for a proposed new dwelling in a Lancashire village;
  • April 2017; cTc Infrastructure is commissioned in regard to a Reserved Maters Application for a residential development in a rural village in Herefordshire.  The commission is to design the on-site road to Section 38 requirements;
  • April 2017; carl TONKS consulting is providing feasibility advice for a developer in regard to a potential change of use of an existing commercial site in a Cotswold town, to provide residential development;
  • March 2017; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to produce traffic and highways support for a proposal to develop new student halls of residence in Falmouth, Cornwall;
  • March 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide a traffic and highways report in regard to an Appeal against refusal of planning permission for a small residential development in Herefordshire;
  • March 2017; Planning Permission is received for development of 18 new homes on greenfield land adjacent to an Oxfordshire village.  carl TONKS consulting produced a Transport Statement and a Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy were produced by cTc Infrastructure;
  • March 2017; a local land owner commissions carl TONKS consulting to advise on matters of access and off-site traffic impact for a small residential development proposed off a narrow lane in a North Somerset village;
  • March 2017; carl TONKS consulting is advising on access matters pertaining to a proposed luxury home in a Somerset village.  The home will be constructed on a greenfield site and accessed from a narrow country lane;
  • March 2017; Claas UK submit their Planning Application for their new headquarters building in Saxham.  Both Transport Assessment and S278 highway design was provided by cTc Group.  Suffolk County Council Highways Officers conform no objection to the Application;
  • February 2017; Newland Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to advise and support their proposal for up to 85 dwellings on a greenfield site to the west of Cheltenham;
  • February 2017; carl TONKS consulting are commissioned to design access and negotiate approval of a small housing development adjacent to a major road in rural Oxfordshire;
  • February 2017; carl TONKS consulting are commissioned to represent a housebuilder in support of an application for a small residential development in Yate;
  • February 2017; cTc Infrastructure is commissioned in regard to a planning appeal against refusal of permission for a small housing development in Preesall, Lancashire;
  • February 2017; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by a local resident to object to a planning application for development of additional housing accessed from a private driveway at the end of an existing cul de sac in a village near Harrogate;
  • January 2017; Following successful promotion of proposals for agricultural diversification in regard to change of use of several under-utilised farm buildings, cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to design a new heavy goods vehicle access to a fruit farm in Herefordshire and to support the resultant planning application;
  • January 2017; Congratulations to Claas UK on receiving planning permission for their proposed new UK Headquarters in Saxham, Suffolk.  carl TONKS consulting provided the Transport Assessment to support the successful planning application and cTc continue to support the development, with cTc Infrastructure providing the Section 278 designs for the new access arrangements;
  • January 2017; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to produce a Transport Assessment in support of an application to provide 140 rooms of student accommodation on the site of a former car bodyshop in Falmouth, Cornwall;
  • January 2017; A planning application is submitted for development of 10 houses on an equestrian paddock adjacent to a Cambridgeshire village.  The application is supported by a Transport Statement, Flood Risk Statement and drainage strategy compiled by cTc Group;
  • January 2017; cTc Group is looking forward to an exciting 2017.  With a growing list of opportunities, we are excited about what the New Year will offer and look forward to continuing to grow our business by providing you, our Clients with an excellent technical service at a fee rate which offers unbeatable value for money.


carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by Claas UK to provide traffic, transportation and highways support for its proposed new UK headquarters complex in Bury St Edmunds.






  • December 2016; cTc Group wishes all of our clients and colleagues an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas.  Looking forward to continued success and growth in 2017!
  • December 2016; Further to the commission to produce a Construction Traffic Management Plan, Carl attended a public consultation event in Nailsworth to present and discuss with local residents the consented proposals along with issues of concern arising.  The event was well attended and traffic mattters were discussed with may attendees;
  • December 2016; Newland Homes commission carl TONKS consulting to develop and negotiate a Construction Traffic Management Plan in connection with its proposals for residential development of a greenfield site in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire.  cTc has been involved with this site for many years; having advised initially on pre-feasibility issues and supported the proposals through planning application and subsequent Appeal.  Planning Permission being granted by the Secretary of State in late 2015;
  • December 2016; two local land owners commission carl TONKS consulting to address highways reasons for refusal of an application for provision of a new access to a Bed and Breakfast property and an adjacent barn conversion in North Somerset;
  • November 2016; Carl attends a public consultation in promotion of a residential development in the Cotswold village of Longborough;
  • November 2016; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to address a highways objection to an application for a residential development of a greenfield site in a Shropshire village.  Within a week of confirmation of comission, cTc commissions and analyses an appropriate traffic speed survey, submits a technical report and negitaites agreement with the local highways officers such that the highways objection is removed;
  • November 2016; Following 3 years advising on transport matters pertaining to a now consented proposal for development of 47 houses on a greenfield site in Evesham,  carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to develop a Residents' Travel Pack.  The document is drafted and submitted to Transportation Officers of Worcestershire County Council, who quickly confirm that the document safisfies the relevant Planning Condition;
  • November 2016; cTc Group are commissioned by a local landowner to provide engineering advice in regard to a greenfield site adjacent to a Cumbrian village.  Proposals are for a small-scale residential development and services include access and drainage aadvice;
  • November 2016; A charity fund commissions carl TONKS consulting to produce a Transport Statement in support of proposals to develop up to 30 dwellings on a greenfield site in a North Somerset town;
  • November 2016; Abbeymill Homes commission carl TONKS consulting to advise on problematic access design for a consented residential development in an Oxfordshire village.  Issues achieving the consented visibility splays have been addressed by surveying adjacent traffic speeds and justifying redefined visibility splays, which can be achieved;
  • October 2016; Newland Homes commission carl TONKS consulting to advise on access design associated with a small-scale residential proposal in a Gloucestershire village;
  • October 2016; cTc Group is commissioned to support an application for residential development of a greenfield site adjacent to a West Oxfordshire village.  Services provided include Transport Statement, Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy;
  • October 2016; Planning permission is granted for a new highways access to a large individual house on land south of Gloucester.  Gloucestershire County Council had objected on grounds of a claimed insufficient visibility splays, but carl TONKS consulting demonstrated that there was no defensible reason for objection;
  • October 2016; After 4 years of analyses, negotiation, Appeal and re-application, Wiltshire Council have granted planning permission for residential development of land in the village of Sutton Benger.  cTc has advised the developer throughout this process on matters of traffic, transport, flood risk and drainage and is pleased to see a successful conclusion to this lengthy and contentious process;
  • September 2016; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on matters of site access and other transport issues concerning a small residential development of a brownfield site in Leeds;
  • September 2016; cTc Group are commissioned to advise on matters of site access for a residential development in Cumbria;
  • September 2016; cTc Infrastructure in conjunction with MCK Associates has obtained a planning permission for a 7Nr. unit residential development in Fleetwood. The site lies within Flood Zone 2 as identified on the Environment Agency’s flood mapping. cTc Infrastructure provided a sequential test which was submitted to Wyre Borough Council and was passed by the planners;
  • September 2016; cTc Group are commissioned to provide multi-disciplinary advice to local landowners in regard to three sites in a Lancashire town.  Services comprise flood risk, drainage, highways, transportation and access advice and representation;
  • August 2016; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to provide traffic and highway support for a proposed development of two dwellings in a Forest of Dean village;
  • August 2016; Claas UK confirm appointment of carl TONKS consulting to provide traffic, transport and highways support for its planning application for a new UK headquarters in Bury St Edmunds.  The complex provides management, new and second hand vehicle sales, repair and maintenance workshop, driver training academy and staff welfare facilities.  This £15M project will be phased to permit migration of services from existing to new facilities whilst the company continues to operate successfully from this site throughout the demolition and rebuild process.  With a 45% market share in the UK combine harvester market, cTc are delighted to be invited to assist this market leader with such a critical aspect of their ongoing development program in the UK;
  • August 2016; a local landowner commissions carl TONKS consulting to provide representations in support of proposals to convert part of an agricultural barn to residential use on a North Devon farmstead;
  • August 2016; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to provide traffic and parking representation in regard to a residential conversion in a Forest of Dean market town;
  • July 2016; HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO cTc!  Five years ago Carl began as a sole trader under the name carl TONKS consulting.  Roughly a year later, Carl Tonks Limited was incorporated, continuing to trade under the name of carl TONKS consulting and both cTc Transport Planning and cTc Infrastructure joined cTc Group over the following few years.  After five years of continued growth and success, cTc is looking to the future with excitement.  Our brand is built on providing unrivaled client satisfaction at unbeatable prices and our expanding Client base seem to like that!  We look forward to continued client focus and loyalty as the Group grows into the future;
  • July 2016; a local housebuilder confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to advise on highways and access issues associated with proposals for development of a previously developed, brownfield site in Cheltenham;
  • July 2016; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide traffic and highways support for a proposed housing development of 15 - 20 houses in an Oxfordshire village;
  • July 2016; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent a land owner in progressing revised proposals for residential development on a site in a Cotswold village.  This follows a previous commission on this site on which cTc has been assisting for around 18 months;

A housing and care home development under construction in South Gloucestershire. carl TONKS consulting produced reports in support of the proposals including Transport Assessment and redesign of access arrangements to both the proposed developments and an adjacent site.

  • June 2016; happy third birthday to cTc Transport Planning.  Looking forward to continued successful expansion into the future;
  • June 2016; Newland Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to negotiate approval of a Green Travel Plan and undertake ongoing supervision and management of the Plan's implementation, for its consented site in Frome.  cTc has been involved with this site for more than 3 years, having supported two planning applications and achieved planning consent at Appeal in 2015;
  • June 2016; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to advise a local land owner in regard to residential development proposals in a Herefordshire village;
  • June 2016; Congratulations to Newland Homes on Wychavon Council's Planning Committee's unanimous decision to grant planning permission, subject to a S106 Agreement, for up to 51 dwellings on a green field site in Evesham, Worcestershire.  The Transport Assessment and several Technical Notes addressing issues arising in discussion with the local Highway Authority were produced by carl TONKS consulting;
  • June 2016; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise a developer in regard to a small housing scheme in an Oxfordshire village;
  • June 2016; cTc Infrastructure is celebrating its first anniversary. We would like to thank our clients and referrers and look forward to continuing to work with you all in the future in promoting high quality development schemes throughout the UK;
  • May 2016; a local land owner confirms carl TONKS consulting's commission to assist in the design and promotion of a farm diversification scheme in Cotswold District;
  • May 2016; carl TONKS consulting is assisting a local land owner in design and promotion of a small housing development in a Wiltshire village;
  • May 2016; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to promote a rural residential development in Herefordshire;
  • May 2016; carl TONKS consulting is assisting Abbeymill Homes in the promotion of a site in a Northamptonshire village for a small, high class residential development;
  • April 2016; Newland Homes is confirmed as a West of England finalist in the LABC Building Excellence Awards 2016 for two developments judged as outstanding examples of overcoming local constraints to achieve well planned, successful and attractive development.  Both of these were granted planning permission further to carl TONKS consulting's access and transport reports and representation, one of which was achieved at a successful Planning Appeal.  cTc wishes Newland all the best for the announcement of the Regional winner, which is due shortly;
  • April 2016; a land owner in the Forest of Dean achieves planning permission for an equestrian development comprising an eventing yard, stables and menage.  The planning application was supported with a Transport Statement produced and negotiated by cTc Transport Planning;
  • April 2016; cTc Infrastructure is appointed to produce a Flood Risk Assessment in support of a planning application for residential development in Wiltshire;
  • April 2016; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide defensive planning advice in regard to commercial development proposals in East Riding of Yorkshire;
  • March 2016; cTc Infrastructure is commissioned to provide a flood risk assessment in support of a planning application for a proposed residential development in Lancashire;
  • March 2016; cTc Infrastructure is appointed to provide a drainage design for a proposed residential development in Gloucestershire;
  • March 2016; cTc Infrastructure is appointed to develop a drainage strategy for a proposed residential development in Garstang, Lancashire;
  • March 2016; cTc Infrastructure is appointed to produce a drainage strategy in support of a proposed industrial development of a quarry in Cotswold District;
  • March 2016; carl TONKS consulting are commissioned to promote a Highway Stopping Up Order for a stretch of redundant highway on farmland near Weston super Mare;
  • March 2016; cTc Infrastructure is appointed to produce a drainage strategy in support of an industrial development in Garstang, Lancashire;
  • March 2016; Congratulations to Graham Anthony Associates on achieving planning permission for two small residential developments for Hollins Lane, Forton in Lancashire.  Drainage advice and representation was provided by cTc Infrastucture;
  • February 2016; a local land owner confirms carl TONKS consulting's commission to assist with design and promotion of proposals for redevelopment of brownfield land on the edge of a Devon town;
  • February 2016; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide technical support for proposals to construct 14 houses and a community hall in a Cotswold village;
  • February 2016; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to provide design assistance and technical supporting information for a proposed development of 31 dwellings adjacent to a Herefordshire village;
  • January 2016; cTc Infrastructure is instructed by Urban Regen and project manager Daineswell to provide site acccess road and drainage design as the next stage of the work for a proposed residential development at Springside Mills, Belmont, Lancashire;
  • January 2016; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned by AGR Renewables to provide swept path analyses for component delivery vehicles (Abnormal Indivisible Loads) to a consented wind turbine development in Cornwall;
  • January 2016; cTc Infrastructure is instructed to produce Flood Risk Assessment and sequential test for a proposed residential development in Wyre Borough;
  • January 2016: carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent a land owner in regard to proposals for a new access driveway to a consented single new dwelling in a Gloucestershire village;
  • January 2016; cTc Infrastructure is working with Graham Anthony Associates to produce Flood Risk Assessments and drainage strategies for a number of residential sites in Lancashire;

A residential development nears completion in North Somerset.  Traffic representations in support of the Planning Application were provided on behalf of the land owner, by carl TONKS consulting.


  • December 2015; after a very busy year which has seen much growth, cTc would like to wish all of our clients, colleagues and friends a Merry Christmas leading to a Happy and Profitable New Year.  Looking forward to the many exciting opportunities that 2016 has to offer;
  • December 2015; Further to the two successful Planning Appeal results (see below), Newland Homes has also seen successful resolution of two further Planning Applications this month on which cTc played a key part.  Stroud District Council has resolved to grant Planning permission subject to an S106 Agreement for a development comprising 37 apartments, a retail unit and a public exhibition space on a canal-side site in Stroud town centre.  The Transport Statement in support of this application was compiled and negotiated by carl TONKS consulting.In addition, Wychavon District Council has resolved to grant permission subject to S106 commitments for a development of 24 dwellings in a Worcestershire village.  Once again the Transport Statement which supported this application was compiled by carl TONKS consulting.  This brings to 4 the number of planning consents secured by this one client during December on which cTc were actively involved;
  • December 2015; Further congratulations on a second result achieved for the same client with receipt of the Inspector's decision to grant permission for 61 dwellings for Newland Homes on a brownfield site in Frome, Somerset.  The Transport Assessments in support of the planning applications on this site were prepared by carl TONKS consulting, who negotiated agreement with highways officers of Somerset County Council that the proposals were not objectionable on highways or transportation grounds.  Notwithstanding this, Mendip District Council chose to refuse planning permission on grounds including highway safety.  Late in November Carl attended the Planning Appeal where he gave evidence confirming that the proposals would not prejudice the faultless historic road traffic accident record on the adjacent highway and no material impact would result in terms of either safety or congestion.  The Inspector agreed with this assertion and the Appeal has been allowed.  This brings to three the number of planning permissions cTc has achieved at Appeal for Newland Homes, two of which have been confirmed this month;
  • December 2015; Congratulations to Newland Homes on achieving permission for their proposed development of 17 new homes on a greenfield site in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire.  carl TONKS consulting had successfully negotiated agreement with Gloucestershire County Council as local Highway Authority that, despite significant representation from local residents claiming deleterious impact on road safety, the proposals were not objectionable on highway grounds.  Despite this, Stroud District Council decided to refuse permission on grounds which included highway safety.  Carl represented Newland Homes in the subsequent planning appeal and the Inspector concluded that "..the proposed development would be sustainably located and would not result in severe harm to highway safety."  The Appeal was therefore allowed.
  • December 2015; cTc Infrastructure is commissioned to provide a Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy in support of a Planning Application for a proposed residential development comprising 200 units in Lancashire;
  • December 2015; Carl supports a land owner in his Appeal against refusal of planning permission by Wiltshire Council for residential development of former farmland in a north Wiltshire village.  Despite significant local objection on traffic matters, cTc had successfully addressed all concerns to the satisfaction of the planning and highway authorities at the time of the original application and there were no transport or highways reasons for refusal.  In light of continued resident comments, Carl attended the Appeal in order to assist the Inspector in regard to highways issues raised by third parties;
  • December 2015; cTc Infrastructure is commissioned for the design of highway improvements on the A59 in Lancashire to provide improved access for a residential development;
  • November 2015; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to represent a local land owner in regard to a number of agricultural barn conversions in Herefordshire;
  • November 2015; carl TONKS consulting represented Newland Homes in their Appeal against Mendip District Council's refusal of planning permission for development of 61 homes on a brownfield site in Frome;
  • November 2015; cTc Group are commissioned to advise a local landowner in regard to his planning application for residential development on farmland in East Ridings of Yorkshire.  The commission is to produce a Transport Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment, drainage strategy and infrastructure advice.  cTc has also assisted our client by sourcing external consultancy on matters of ground water contamination risk, which we are accessing from a local consultancy which is well known to us;
  • November 2015; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to represent a local land owner in regard to transport issues arising in support of a planning application for a caravan site near to Prestatyn;
  • October 2015; cTc Group attend a public exhibition to present residential development proposals to local residents of a West Berkshire village;
  • October 2015; carl TONKS consulting is representing a local resident in objecting to a proposed residential development in a North Yorkshire village;
  • October 2015; Newland Homes open their sales office in Mickleton.  The Transport Assessment for the planning application which comprised up to 70 homes and a doctor's surgery to serve the town was produced by carl TONKS consulting;
  • October 2015; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned in regard to a planning appeal against refusal of planning permission for the proposed redevelopment of outbuildings as required to permit the reopening of a former public house in a Somerset village;
  • October 2015; carl TONKS consulting is advising a rural landowner regarding proposals for a farm diversification scheme in Oxfordshire;
  • September 2015; After almost a year of promotion and negotiation, Test Valley determine to refuse planning permission for development of up to 120 dwellings on former farmland near Southampton.  Despite significant local objection in regard to perceived traffic issues and congestion, carl TONKS consulting successfully addressed all highways, traffic and transportation matters to the satisfaction of Hampshire County Council and there were no transportation or highways reasons for refusal;
  • September 2015; cTc Infrastructure are working with Electricity North West and Cruse Management Services Limited to make improvements at Electricity North West’s Carlisle depot;
  • September 2015; Congratulations to Newland Homes on securing a S106 Agreement on their site at Twyning and thereby releasing planning consent for construction of 22 dwellings in this Gloucestershire village.  Highways and transportation support for the planning application was provided by carl TONKS consulting and this included production of a Transport Assessment report and liaisons with County and Parish Councils, along with Governors of the local Primary School;
  • September 2015; carl TONKS consulting attended the Planning Appeal by Newland Homes into refusal by Stroud District Council of their Planning Application for 17 houses in Nailsworth.  Stroud identified a highways Reason for Refusal, despite Gloucestershire County Council (as highway authority) raising no objection subject to conditions.  In the absence of highway authority support, Stroud sought consultant representation and Carl appeared in rebuttal of their submitted evidence;
  • September 2015; cTc Infrastructure is advising Oakmere Homes with regards detailed design of highways and drainage for a consented residential scheme in Whalley, Clitheroe;
  • August 2015; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by a local land owner to provide access design advice and representation in regard to a proposed development of two new homes in a rural village conservation area;
  • August 2015; Newland Homes commissions carl TONKS consulting in regard to its proposed development in central Stroud;
  • August 2015; carl TONKS consulting is advising a developer in regard to a proposed residential development in a Worcestershire village;
  • August 2015; cTc Infrastructure is providing flood risk and drainage advice for a small residential development in Glasson, Lancashire;
  • August 2015; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to design a new agricultural access in Wiltshire and negotiate planning approval;
  • August 2015; Happy birthday to carl TONKS consulting.  After 4 years successful trading we are delighted to be playing a key part in cTc Group's ongoing expansion;
  • July 2015; carl TONKS consulting is advising a land owner in regard to access and transportation matters pertaining to a proposal for a small residential development on a former paddock in Wiltshire;
  • July 2015; congratulations to EDP on achieving planning permission for construction of a single turbine on farmland in Caerphilly.  Substantial highways issues were addressed by carl TONKS consulting in liaisons with both Caerphilly County Borough Council and the Welsh Government Trunk Road Agents;
  • July 2015; Further to design advice from cTc Transport Planning, an international investment company achieves construction certification for a revised access arrangement to a major industrial development in eastern Romania.  The approved access had been ransomed by an adjacent land owner, halting construction of this development of regional importance.  Further to this certification the scheme can now continue in a cost effective manner;
  • July 2015; cTc Infrastructure is working with Client, owner and regeneration specialist Urban Regen and project manager Daineswell providing highways advice on a proposed residential development at Springside Mills, Belmont, Lancashire;
  • June 2015; cTc Transport Planning receives a new commission to advise on construction component access to a committed wind farm development, west of Dungannon in South Tyrone, Northern Ireland;
  • June 2015; cTc Transport Planning is providing further advice in regard to a committed wind turbine development in South Lanarkshire;
  • June 2015; cTc Infrastructure is providing highways advice for Gladman with regards a proposed residential site in Essex;
  • June 2015; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned by a local land owner to advise and assist in progressing a proposed eventing yard in the Forest of Dean;
  • June 2015; Newland Homes open the showhome at their Newark Barns development.  Transport and traffic support for this development was provided by carl TONKS consulting;  

Newland Homes' Strawberry Fields development at Cam nears completion.

Planning permission was achieved at Appeal in 2014, when highways and transportation evidence was presented by Carl Tonks.

  • May 2015; carl TONKS consulting is representing a housebuilder in an Appeal against refusal of planning permission for a site in Somerset;
  • May 2015; cTc submit substantial additional analyses in support of a residential development proposal in Hampshire, including additional junction analyses and a Travel Plan Framework;
  • May 2015; cTc extends a warm welcome to Ed Pope who joins cTc Transport Planning as Senior Engineer.  His role will be to provide technical and project management input to a range of projects.Ed has some 12 years' relevant experience, earned at Boreham Consulting Engineers and subsequently Waterman Boreham, where he developed substantial experience of development support work including Transport Assessments, Transport Statements and Travel Plans.  He is highly experienced using TRL analysis software including ARCADY and PICADY, as well as other standard professional products such as TRICS, AutoCAD and AutoTRACK.  In addition, Ed developed and managed a research project on behalf of a major food retailer, which involved monitoring National road works programs in order to both manage and control impact on stores' trading due to local congestion arising from works.  This was a highly innovative project which ran for many years to great success and resulted in many millions of pounds saved for the client by protecting against trade diversion.Prior to his time at Boreham, Ed was employed in the logistics industry, planning and managing goods shipment and transportation.During much of his time at Boreham and Waterman Boreham, Ed worked with Carl, who is delighted to be putting the team back together at cTc.
  • April 2015; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent a local land owner in progressing a proposed childrens' day nursery in North Somerset;
  • April 2015; cTc Transport Planning is advising a developer in regard to construction component access to a committed turbine development in Monmouthshire;
  • April 2015; Happy birthday to cTc Transport Planning which celebrates its second birthday this month;
  • April 2015; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on transport and traffic matters pertaining to a proposed development of 40 dwellings on former farmland west of Gloucester;
  • April 2015; carl TONKS consulting is providing assistance in regard to site access for a proposed residential development of a former farm complex near to Darlington in North Yorkshire;
  • March 2015; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise and represent a land owner in regard to a proposed development of 75 - 100 houses in North Somerset;
  • March 2015; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to address planning conditions on a consented turbine development in Aberdeenshire;
  • March 2015; carl TONKS consulting is advising a property company in regard to its proposed development of 3 dwellings in Kingswood, Bristol in light of matters raised by Bristol City Council;
  • February 2015; cTc Transport Planning is assisting AGR Renewables with the discharge of conditions concerning construction traffic routeing for its consented turbine development in Camarthenshire;
  • February 2015; A planning application is registered for development of up to 140 dwellings on agricultural land in Rownhams, near Southampton.  The application is supported by a Transport Assessment produced by carl TONKS consulting;
  • February 2015; cTc Transport Planning is providing further advice to AGR Renewables in regard to construction vehicle access to a consented turbine development on the west coast of Cumbria.  Planning consent had originally been achieved further to Carl's intervention to head off an imminent refusal on highway grounds.  Although the application was still refused (consent subsequently achieved at Appeal), there were no highways grounds for refusal;
  • February 2015; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by a local landowner to investigate access and off-site transportation matters associated with proposals to construct up to 30 dwellings on a site in Cotswold District;
  • January 2015; Planning permission is granted for development of 3 additional dwellings in an existing residential garden located in a village in Stroud District.  Accessed from a narrow track, highways and access were key issues in progressing the application and carl TONKS consulting negotiated with Gloucestershire County Council a successful design arrangement;
  • January 2015; Carl joins a team to give a presentation to Nursling and Rownhams Parish Council in promotion of a 140 dwelling proposal on local farmland. carl TONKS consulting are preparing a Transport Assessment in support of this proposal;
  • January 2015; cTc Transport Planning is advising AGR Renewables on construction vehicle access to another turbine site in Lanarkshire;
  • January 2015; cTc wish a happy and prosperous New Year to all of our clients and professional contacts;

A single turbine development on farmland in Lanarkshire constructed by AGR during the summer of 2014.

Advice on construction vehicle access routeing was provided by cTc Transport Planning


  • December 2014; cTc wold like to wish all of our clients, fellow consultants and our local authority contacts a happy and healthy festive season;
  • December 2014; carl TONKS consulting's Transport Assessment is submitted in support of an application for development of up to 50 dwellings in a north Gloucestershire village;
  • December 2014; Carl attends a public consultation event in Southampton on behalf of Pigeon Investment in promotion of their proposed development of up to 140 dwellings on farmland north of the City.  carl TONKS consulting are assisting with transportation and highways matter associated with this promotion;
  • November 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide strategic advice in regard to a proposed residential development in Oxfordshire;
  • November 2014; a local land owner commissions carl TONKS consulting to provide feasibility advice and support in regard to access for a residential promotion of a site in Buckinghamshire;
  • November 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide transport and access advice and support for strategic promotion of employment proposals for a site in Wiltshire;
  • November 2014; on Armistice Day, cTc would like to express our respect and sadness for those lost in conflict throughout the last century, along with sympathy for families and friends left behind;
  • November 2014; carl TONKS consulting's Transport Assessment is submitted in support of a planning application for 51 dwellings on agricultural land in Evesham, Worcestershire;
  • October 2014; carl TONKS consulting are advising a developer on his proposals to develop 120 houses on a site in Southampton;
  • October 2014; Further to this month's earlier trip to Scotland, cTc Transport Planning return for a further week in Aberdeenshire.  This trip is again focused on turbine construction traffic routeing;
  • October 2014; Newland Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to represent their proposed housing development in Evesham, Worcestershire;
  • October 2014; cTc Transport Planning head north once more to spend a week in Ayrshire surveying proposed turbine construction traffic routes;
  • September 2014; Congratulations to Newland Homes on the grant of planning permission for their proposed development of 22 high quality homes in the Gloucestershire village of Twyning.  Transportation and traffic support for the applicaton was provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • September 2014; A planning application is submitted for development of up to 50 dwellings on agricultural land in a North Wiltshire village.  The application is supported by a Transport Assessment compiled by carl TONKS consulting;
  • September 2014; AGR confirm cTc Transport Planning's commission to investigate delivery routeing for 7 committed turbine developments at sites throughout Scotland;
  • September 2014; AGR take delivery of a turbine to a site in Pembrokeshire for which component routeing advice was provided by cTc Transport Planning;
  • September 2014; cTc Transport Planning visit Camarthenshire to advise on turbine component delivery routes for a committed scheme comprising a single turbine to be constructed on farmland;
  • August 2014; AGR commence erection of a turbine installation in Cornwall.  Traffic representation concerning the component delivery route was provided by cTc Transport Planning;
  • August 2014; carl TONKS consulting visits proposed turbine sites in Warwickshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire in order to investigate component delivery routes;
  • August 2014; carl TONKS consulting celebrates its third birthday.  Thank you to all of our loyal clients who continue to rely on and benefit from cTc's high quality advice and excellent value for money services, enabling us to grow our company  and continually improve the range and depth of services offered.  We look forward to many more years to come of continued success and growth;
  • July 2014; carl TONKS consulting visits sites in both Humberside and Derbyshire in order to examine options for access by turbine construction traffic;
  • July 2014; Carl attends a public consultation to front questions and discussion concerning access, transportation, traffic and highways in connection with a proposal to construct up to 60 dwellings and associated uses in a Wiltshire village. carl TONKS consulting are commissioned to produce a Transport Assessment in support of this proposal;
  • July 2014; carl TONKS consulting is providing initial feasibility advice on matters of access in connection with a farm diversification scheme in Gloucestershire;
  • July 2014; cTc Transport Planning is advising a developer on matters of construction component access concerning proposed turbine installations in Gloucestershire and Yorkshire;
  • July 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to advise on access matters arising from a small residential development proposal in Kingswood, Bristol;
  • June 2014; carl TONKS consulting is supporting an application for residential development in a south Worcestershire village;
  • June 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support a planning application for development of up to 60 new dwellings in a north Gloucestershire village;
  • June 2014; cTc is pleased to secure our first overseas project, as a large institutional investor commissions cTc Transport Planning to advise on access issues arising in connection with a major committed employment development in Romania;

Keadby windfarm under construction.  Evidence on traffic and component deliveries was presented to the Public Inquiry into this, at the time Britain's largest land-based wind farm, by Carl Tonks.

  • May 2014; cTc Transport Planning successfully negotiates discharge of two highway related conditions to permit construction of a turbine on farmland in Cornwall;
  • May 2014; local landowners confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to support the promotion of residential development proposals on farmland in North Somerset;
  • May 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide transportation and traffic support for a proposed residential development on agricultural land in a north Wiltshire village;
  • May 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide access advice and support for proposals for residential conversion of several agricultural barns on farmland in North Somerset, in line with recent changes to Permitted Development Rights;
  • April 2014; Happy birthday to cTc Transport Planning, celebrating its first complete year of successful trading;
  • April 2014; Congratulations to Newland Homes for achieving Planning Permission for their proposed development of eight high quality homes on farmland south of Gloucester.  Traffic and transport support for these proposals was provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • April 2014; cTc Transport Planning visits west Wales to review access routeing for a proposed turbine development on farmland in Pembrokeshire;
  • April 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide transport and highways support for a proposed development of holiday accommodation in Somerset;
  • April 2014; Peel Energy commission carl TONKS consulting in regard to their turbine proposals in Merseyside;
  • April 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent EDP in regard to construction vehicle access for their turbine proposals in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Rhondda Cynon Taff;
  • April 2014; CLAAS confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to advise on access and transport matters in regard to their proposals for an agricultural vehicle and machinery dealership in Essex;
  • March 2014; Peel Energy confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to advise on two proposed turbine developments in Scotland, in Grampian and Renfrewshire;
  • March 2014; cTc Transport Planning head up to northern Scotland to begin a tour of committed turbine development sites on behalf of AGRenewables.  Commissioned to advise on options to access these sites by construction components using Abnormal Indivisible Load (AIL) vehicles, this commission includes sites throughout the country, from Banffshire in the north to Ayrshire in the south;
  • March 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide advice and representation on traffic and transportation matters in connection with a proposed mixed-use redevelop of the former Leyhill Prison Visitor Centre, near Tortworth in South Gloucestershire;
  • March 2014; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by EDP to advise in regard to construction component access to a proposed turbine development on farm land in Essex;
  • February 2014; AGRenewables commission cTc Transport Planning to visit a selection of its committed turbine development sites throughout the UK in order to confirm accessibility by construction components.  These include 9 sites across Scotland, 1 in west Wales and 2 in Cornwall.  The first two sites are visited in order to survey access routes and cTc Transport Planning spend two days in Cornwall;
  • February 2014; carl TONKS consulting's Transport Assessment is submitted in support of CLAAS UK's planning application for an agricultural vehicle and machinery dealership within the Cotswold Agricultural Centre, near Cirencester;
  • February 2014; EDP commission carl TONKS consulting to investigate construction component access for two more proposed turbine installations; in Lincolnshire and Norfolk;
  • February 2014; cTc Transport Planning meets with AGRenewables to provide strategic advice in regard to transport issues arising on their portfolio of committed turbine developments across England, Wales and Scotland;
  • February 2014; Edward Ware Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting's appointment to address transport issues arising in connection with their proposed residential development in a north Gloucestershire village;
  • January 2014; AGRenewables confirm cTc Transport Planning's appointment to advise in regard to access by construction components to three proposed wind turbine developments on the west coast of Cumbria;
  • January 2014; Following carl TONKS consulting's submission of bespoke speed survey data and a detailed analysis based on research presented in Manual for Streets, Gloucestershire County Council withdraw their objection to a proposed caravan storage facility on a farm near Cowley.  Subsequently, Cotswold District Council issue planning permission for this development;
  • January 2014; CLAAS confirm carl TONKS consulting's appointment to support their planning application for an agricultural vehicle and machinery dealership on the site of the Cotswold Agricultural Centre, near Cirencester;
  • January 2014; Congratulations to Newland Homes on receiving planning permission for development of 19 dwellings on land adjacent to Elstub Lane in Cam.  carl TONKS consulting has provided transportation and highways support for these proposals over a lengthy period and this has included negotiating a positive highways consultation response from Gloucestershire County Council.  Despite this the planning application was refused by Stroud District Council for (amongst others) highway safety reasons and this decision has been over-turned at Appeal.  At the Appeal Hearing, highways evidence was provided in support of the proposal by carl TONKS consulting and the Inspector concluded that highway criticisms raised by third party consultants were "rebutted by sound and convincing evidence";
  • January 2014; AGRenewables confirm cTc Transport Planning's commission to advise on construction component delivery matters in connection with a committed wind turbine development in Gwynedd;
  • January 2014; cTc would like to wish all of our Clients and fellow professionals a successful and prosperous New Year.  Looking forward, our Business Plan for 2014 combined with an already heavily committed work program promises an exciting and busy year ahead!

Newland Homes' development at Broad Lane, Yate for which traffic and transport support was provided by carl TONKS consulting.


  • December 2013; at the end of another successful year, cTc wish a Merry Christmas to all of our Clients and colleagues.  Thank you to all for your loyalty, as we look forward to another exciting year of continued growth and expansion in 2014;
  • December 2013; South Gloucestershire Council issue permission for Newland Homes to convert a former employment building in Thornbury to residential flats.  Traffic and transport support for this application was provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • December 2013; Congratulations to Newland Homes on achieving planning permission for development of 70 dwellings and a doctor's surgery on land at Mickleton in Cotswold District.  Traffic and transport support for the application, including submission of a Transport Assessment and negotiation with Gloucestershire County Council, was provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • December 2013; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent a local landowner in regard to access for a proposed caravan storage facility on a farm in Cotswold District;
  • December 2013; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to provide a Transport Statement in support of a proposed residential development in a Herefordshire village;
  • November 2013; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support a proposed residential development in a North Somerset village;
  • November 2013; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide transport advice for the promotion of a site in Hampshire for residential use;
  • November 2013; carl TONKS consulting is advising residents in regard to consultation on an area-wide parking review in a Surrey town and the impact on their residential area;
  • November 2013; South Gloucestershire Council Highways confirm agreement with carl TONKS consulting's Transport Statement in regard to a proposed conversion of an existing employment building in Thornbury to residential flats.  No highways or transportation objection is raised;
  • November 2013; Gloucestershire County Council confirm their agreement with the conclusions of carl TONKS consulting's Transport Assessment submitted in support of proposals for a mixed use development of residential and healthcare uses in the north-eastern area of the County.  No highways or transportation objection is raised;
  • October 2013; congratulations to Empirica Investments on achieving planning consent for their proposals for student halls of residence in Middlesbrough.  The scheme incorporates 118 units with off-road servicing and common room facilities.  Highways and transportation support for this planning application was provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • October 2013; carl TONKS consulting's Transport Statement is submitted in support of a promotion for change of use from employment to residential for a former office building in South Gloucestershire;
  • October 2013; congratulations to Welbeck Land and their team on gaining planning permission for a mixed use conversion of a former Council office building in Torquay.  The scheme comprises a doctors' surgery, commercial pharmacy and residential use.  The healthcare and commercial uses were secured by planning application, whilst the residential conversion has been achieved by permitted development Rights under recent amendments to the GDO.  Traffic and transport support for this process was provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • October 2013; EDP confirm carl TONKS consulting's appointment to advise on construction traffic routeing associated with three proposed developments of single 500kW wind turbines on rural sites in North Lincolnshire;
  • October 2013; carl TONKS consulting is appointed to represent Peel Energy's promotion of a single wind turbine on land in Merseyside.  cTc's input will comprise identification and promotion of an optimised (both economically and environmentally) delivery route for the Abnormal Indivisible Loads required to construct the proposal;
  • October 2013; Carl represents Newland Homes in an Appeal Hearing in regard to a housing development in Stroud District;
  • September 2013; Bristol City Council confirm their agreement with the conclusions of carl TONKS consulting's report in defense of a planning enforcement action in regard to an employment and storage site in east Bristol.  On this basis the City drops its highways objection to the retrospective planning application;
  • September 2013; Torbay Council confirm their agreement with the findings of carl TONKS consulting's Transport Assessment submitted in support of Welbeck Land's proposals for redevelopment of a former office block in Torquay for mixed use (residential, commercial and healthcare).  They have confirmed no transportation or highways objection to the proposal;
  • September 2013; Following submission of carl TONKS consulting's report addressing multi-modal trip generation and accessibility, Gloucestershire County Council withdraw their highways objection to an application for residential development in a village in Stroud district;
  • September 2013; Further to carl TONKS consulting's response to an independent Road Safety Audit on the proposed access arrangements for a residential development proposal in Cam, Stroud District Council confirm that they no longer seek to defend their highways reason for refusal in the upcoming Planning Appeal;
  • August 2013; carl TONKS consulting's transportation report is submited in support of the Appeal against planning enforcement action and retrospective planning application for storage use associated with an employment site in east Bristol;
  • August 2013; Happy second birthday to carl TONKS consulting!  Having established the business in this most challenging of economic climates, we are proud that we are continuing to trade ahead of business plan forecasts and would like to take this opportunity to thank our Clients, fellow professionals and referrers for your trust and loyalty.  We continue to enjoy a high proportion of repeat business (so we must be doing it right!) and enjoy building long lasting professional relationships with high quality Clients.  Thank you for your assistance and support, which enables us to keep a firm focus on continued growth into the future.  We look forward to many more years of building mutual success for our clients, for fellow professionals and for cTc;
  • August 2013; carl TONKS consulting's Transport Assessment is submitted to Torbay Council in support of Welbeck Land's revised application for conversion of a former council office block into a mixed use development comprising residential, commercial and healthcare uses in Torquay;
  • July 2013; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to support an Appeal against enforcement action regarding a B8 use in a residential area of Bristol.  Key issues include access and, having visited the site, we are confident of building a strong case to support grant of retrospective planning permission for continuation of the current storage use on the site;
  • July 2013; Planning Permission is successfully achieved for a farm diversification scheme at Upcote Farm, in rural Gloucestershire.  The scheme comprised conversion of an existing historic farmhouse, barns and construction of new buildings to provide a wedding venue, including ceremonial space, reception catering and accommodation.  Transportation support for the planning application included significant negotiation with the County Council as highway authority and was provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • July 2013; Newland Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to support their proposals for redevelopment of a former police headquarters in Frome.

Newland Homes commence construction of their Broad Lane Yate development.

Transport representation was provided by
carl TONKS consulting.

  • June 2013; Empirica confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission in support of their relaunched turbine development program.  We are pleased to remain part of this team going forward, promoting individual wind turbines on farmland across the north of England;
  • June 2013; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide pre-feasibility advice and undertake pre-application discussion in regard to a residential site in Somerset;
  • June 2013; cTc Transport Planning is commissioned to provide advice and support for a proposed single dwelling development in Pontypool with a remit to address a highways objection regarding the access proposals;
  • May 2013; Newland Homes commission carl TONKS consulting to provide highways advice concerning further sites in both Gloucestershire and Worcestershire;
  • May 2013; carl TONKS consulting welcomes Layton Jones, who joins us as draughtsman having previously run his own AutoCAD consultancy for several years.  Having worked with us on a contract basis for some time, Layton's decision to join us will enable us to more efficiently serve our Clients' drawing requirements;
  • April 2013; carl TONKS consulting and cTc Transport Planning form a strategic agreement to provide mutual technical support in order to broaden each company's respective technical capability.  This arrangement enables each company to provide a full transport planning service whilst carefully controlling its overhead costs, thus facilitating low charge rates and enhanced value for money for our respective Clients;
  • April 2013; following traffic representation by carl TONKS consulting, Stroud District Council grant planning permission for a change of access arrangements in respect of a consented canalside housing development by Newland Homes;
  • April 2013; cTc Transport Planning Limited is registered at Companies House (Company Number 08490578).  Company Director is Jacqueline Ireland and, in addition to development transport consultancy for sites in Wales, cTc Transport Planning will provide traffic research for asset management of property portfolios;
  • April 2013; carl TONKS consulting provides a Stage 2 Road Safety Audit for a proposed highway improvement as part of a residential development in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan;
  • April 2013; further detailed advice and representation is provided by carl TONKS consulting into a redesign of proposed student accommodation on campus at the University of Tyneside, in Middlesbrough;
  • March 2013; carl TONKS consulting inputs to preliminary representations supporting SHLAA promotion of a proposed housing development in West Berkshire;
  • March 2013; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide feasibility advice in regard to residential proposals in Tewkesbury Borough;
  • March 2013; further strategic representation is provided by carl TONKS consulting in support of a residential proposal in south Worcestershire;
  • March 2013; carl TONKS consulting is advising in regard to a proposed residential development in the Stroud Valley;
  • February 2013; Empirica commission carl TONKS consulting to review construction vehicle access opportunities for a further 3 wind turbine sites in Lancashire;
  • February 2013; Braving the snow, carl TONKS consulting heads up to Cumbria to investigate access opportunities for a wind turbine proposal near Carlisle;
  • February 2013; carl TONKS consulting visits a site in west Yorkshire to provide advice on access opportunities for mixed use development of employment and residential;
  • January 2013; Newland Homes commence construction of a residential development at Engine Common, Yate.  Transportation support for the planning application had been provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • January 2013; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned in regard to promotion of residential develop of a greenfield site in a village east of Swindon;
  • January 2013; Empirica commission carl TONKS consulting to represent their interests in concern with two further turbine installations in Yorkshire and another in Northumberland.

Traffic engineering, junction and access design for commercial developments.


  • December 2012; carl TONKS consulting would like to wish a Merry Christmas, along with a successful and rewarding 2013 to all of our Clients and fellow professionals;
  • December 2012; carl TONKS consulting ends the year with a trip to Middlesbrough to compile a Transport Statement in support of proposed demolition of a bar and members' club, to construct a thirteen storey development containing 250 bedroom student accommodation on the campus of Teeside University;
  • December 2012; carl TONKS consulting is supporting a proposal to erect a wind turbine on farmland to the north of Stoke;
  • December 2012; carl TONKS consulting's Transport Assessment is submitted in support of Welbeck Land's application for conversion of an office building in central Torquay into residential flats;
  • December 2012; a visit to the Lake District allows surveying of access routes for carl TONKS consulting's traffic management plans for Empirica's turbine proposal near Barrow in Furness;
  • November 2012; despite severe flooding in North Wales, the carl TONKS consulting team spend several days on Anglesey surveying access options for four wind turbine sites in behalf of Constant Energy;
  • November 2012; Further work commissioned by Newland Homes in connection with new proposals in Gloucester.  carl TONKS consulting is advising on access and traffic impact matters;
  • November 2012; carl TONKS consulting commissioned by Endurance Estates to advise on access, transport and traffic issues associated with a proposed residential development in Kintbury, West Berkshire;
  • November 2012; carl TONKS consulting is engaged in the Planning Appeal Public Inquiry into the refusal by Stratford on Avon DC of Welbeck Land (Ifield) planning application for mixed use (residential plus medical centre) development in Bidford on Avon.  Traffic and highways are a key issue at the Inquiry and evidence is given by Carl in support of the Appeal;
  • October 2012; Newland Homes commissioned carl TONKS consulting to advise on two new sites in rural Gloucestershire;
  • October 2012; New wind turbine investigations commissioned by Empirica for sites in East Riding of Yorkshire and Cumbria;
  • September 2012; New commission confirmed by Newland Homes, for which carl TONKS consulting is promoting residential development in a Gloucestershire village;
  • September 2012; Commission confirmed by Constant Energy Limited for carl TONKS consulting to provide representations in support of a proposed wind turbine installation in Bedfordshire;
  • September 2012; New commissions confirmed for carl TONKS consulting from Empirica in regard to their programme of wind turbine installations.  These have included construction vehicle routeing and access for a further site in County Durham and press liaisons for a site in Northumberland;
  • August 2012; Empirica comission carl TONKS consulting for the design of modified access arrangements for a site near Durham;
  • August 2012; carl TONKS consulting celebrates completion of our first year's trading.  We would like to thank all of our loyal Clients for your business throughout this year and look forward to continuing to work successfully with you into the future;
  • July 2012; carl TONKS consulting commences its advice to Welbeck Land on proposals to convert a former office block in Torquay to residential use;
  • July 2012; a further site is commissioned by Empirica, which sees carl TONKS consulting providing representation in support of a wind turbine application in Northumberland, along with two further sites in Lancashire;
  • July 2012; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by local land owners to advise on access issues associated with the promotion of land at Bishampton in South Worcestershire for residential development;
  • June 2012; Empirica commission carl TONKS consulting to represent them in negotiating with Cumbria County Council pursuant to planning permission for a wind turbine installation near Cockermouth;
  • June 2012; Newland Homes confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to represent their interests in a consented residential development in Stroud.  This is a site on which Carl has been previously engaged and for which modifications are now being sought;
  • June 2012; Carl is joined by Jacqueline Ireland in the role of Company Secretary of Carl Tonks Limited.  Jacqueline's involvement in the day to day administration of the company, including invoicing and credit control, will free up more of Carl's time to concentrate on Client matters and the technical demands of his project work;
  • June 2012; in response to increasing demand for its services, carl TONKS consulting is restructured to enable increased efficiency and effectiveness.  On 1st June, Carl ceases to operate as a sole trader following the registration at Companies House of Carl Tonks Limited (8048957).  Traffic and transport consultancy services continue to be provided under the name of carl TONKS consulting, which is now a trading name of the new company.  This change will bring increased resource facilitating more flexibility and rapid response to Client requirements;
  • May 2012; carl TONKS consulting's input to a further wind turbine site near Bolsover is commissioned by Empirica;
  • May 2012; South Gloucestershire Council resolve to grant planning permission, subject to a S106 Agreement, for Newland Homes' residential development proposals for a site in Engine Common, Yate.  Traffic representation had been provided by carl TONKS consulting;
  • May 2012; Empirica confirm carl TONKS consulting's commission to liaise with Redcar and Cleveland Council in regard to a rural site near Redcar;
  • April 2012; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by Emprica Investment to advise on its program of wind turbine developments throughout the North of England.  This program is a joint venture with turbine manufacturer Enercon;
  • April 2012; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by Newland Homes to provide advice concerning a residential development proposal in Cam, Gloucestershire;
  • April 2012; following Stratford DC's planning committee's refusal of planning permission, carl TONKS consulting is commissionned to represent Welbeck Strategic Land LLP in a planning appeal for a mixed use development comprising 137 houses and a local medical centre in Bidford on Avon;
  • February 2012; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned by Coombe Garage Tyres to assess traffic implications associated with a proposed business relocation and to support a change of use application;
  • January 2012; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent Newland Homes in connection with a planning application for residential development in Engine Common, Yate.


  • November 2011; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to provide a combined Stage I/II Road Safety Audit of highway works associated with a residential development in Barry;
  • November 2011; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent a land owner seeking a strategic promotion of land in Broadway for residential development;
  • October 2011; carl TONKS consulting provides preliminary advice to Mosaic Estates concerning land holdings in the North of England;
  • September 2011; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent Welbeck Land in promoting a mixed use development in Bidford on Avon, Warwickshire, comprising residential and health centre uses;
  • August 2011; carl TONKS consulting is commissioned to represent Chatford Properties in promoting a proposed residential development on land at Engine Common, Yate;
  • August 2011; carl TONKS consulting receives VAT registration;


  • August 2011; carl TONKS consulting commences trading on 1st August.